4th year

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author's note❄︎

this is my first ever fanfic that i'm actually quite impressed with. and if you haven't guessed i'm not using "y/n". my next fanfic i write will include "y/n<3

1st december 1995

'i turn around and see ginny looking deep into my eyes and my without a warning she kisses me.' i jolted up and looked around, i was in my hogwarts dorm. i grab my watch and look to see it's '6:30am 1st december 1995.' ginny was sitting on her bed with her calendar, i called out to her and said "morning gin'."
i got a quick response from the blue eyed girl. "morning tan." as quick as possible i got up and started searching for my calendar once i found it we both opened them. i got some hand made jewellery luna had made yes yes luna had made me an advent calendar. i forgot to note but luna and ginny are dating. a huge grin grew on ginnys face as she opened day 1 on her calendar (luna made her one too). i couldn't see because it was too dark but i'm sure it was a ring, or a promise ring. i watch her slide the silver with a blue gem ring onto her middle finger, she looked so pretty. "woah that's gorgeous ginny." i laugh. she looks at me and smiles, "what did you get tanya?."
"a pair of cherry earrings gin." i replied. she gave me a grin and said "we better get ready, or we will be late."
i ran into the bathroom and ran myself a nice warm shower about 10 minutes later i put on my school wear. i didn't exactly know what to do with my hair today so i just decided to straighten it and put my cherry earrings on. i grabbed my watch to see the time was now '7:13am'. shit, i was late. i ran out of the common room and down to the great hall, i was so pleased when i saw they were still serving breakfast. i looked around to see if any of my friends were still in the great hall. none of them were there. i ran over to the gryffindor table and grabbed a slice of toast and read my classes for today. oh shit, i have to be at the quidditch field in 4 minutes. i shoved the piece of toast into my mouth and ran down to the quidditch stadium. "why are you so fucking late tanya young?" harry shouted. a tear formed into my eye and i stuttered while telling harry i just ate breakfast. i didn't like getting shouted at as you can see. fred and george were both laying on the floor laughing, ginny kicked them and told them to shut up. "HARRY POTTER DO NOT SHOUT AT SWEET LITTLE TANYA FOR BEING LATE" ginny shouted. everyone stared at me and ginny, i was so embarrassed. harry muttered something but i didn't know what. i couldn't focus during training because all i could think about was ginny sticking up for me. bash. i woke up in the hospital wing the next day, ginny and luna were sitting there waiting for me to get up. "hey everyone." i smiled. "TAN YOUR AWAKE" ginny screamed. luna looked at me and tried to smile. luna and ginny were sitting in opposite directions, something has happened. i looked at the two and luna gave me a funny look, "everything alright girls, and ginny where is your um 'promise ring'." i scoffed. "well-..." luna tried to say but ginny butted in, "me and luna broke up, we thought it was for the best" she explained. i looked at them in shock, why did they break up? i didn't say anything else and just made my way to the gryffindor common room. had i done something? was it my fault? as the thoughts rushed through my head someone tapped me on the shoulder: it was ginny. "hey gin, you alright?" i asked trying to smile at her. "i'm ok, but are okay you just ran out" she said trying not to cry. i pulled her into a hug i couldn't handle seeing her sad. "it's alright darling, cry it all out" i whispered as she sobbed into my shoulders. from this moment on i knew i was in love with ginny weasley.

(hey i hope you enjoyed chapter '4th year', if you did comment ideas for my next chapter, should i save tanya and ginny getting together for like the 7th or 8th chapter?- jas<33 wc: 771)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2020 ⏰

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