Chapter 3 - The Invasion of USJ

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Let's hope it's another eventful day today. Little did you know what backlash your hope would have brought.

"Today All Might, another pro hero and I will be overseeing your performances as heroes at a simulation out of bounds. So put on your costumes and head outside to the entrance immediately where the bus will be waiting at." Aizawa sensei said monotonously as he opened the costume closet.

"Fweeettttt," a sudden high pitch whistle rang. You turned your head to see Tenya gathering the class into two rows to board the bus smoothly and efficiently. You shakes you head slightly, smiling at how seriously he is taking his role as the class leader. Midoriya made the right choice. Once the class board the bus y'all started laughing at Tenya as the bus layout wasn't fit for his two rows of students idea. All he could do was softly defend himself and blush lightly.

"If we are talking about pro hero quirks it would be Todoroki, Bakugo and l/n," Kirishima stated honestly. You blushed immediately when you heard his comment. "He is stating the truth you know right?" You turned your head to see Shoto whispering to you, making you blush even deeper. "Yea but Bakugo's attitude is so bad he wouldn't be one," Tsuyu stated bluntly. The whole bus started laughing at her statement while Bakugo started yelling his head off at her. "What did I tell you it's you attitude," you said while turning to your back to look at Bakugo. "Don't act smug now Time Machine, who was the who offered you his shoulders last weekend," he said annoyed with a smirk. "You. At least you are slowly changing. Temperamental porcupine is slowly turning into a thoughtful hamster," you replied with a sly smile while patting his head. Just as he was about the blast you out of embarrassment, "Everyone quiet down! We have reached," Aizawa sensei said agitatedly.

"Offered you his shoulders?" Shoto questioned you with an eyebrow raised. "Oh a group of us went to the pop-up carnival last weekend. He offered me his shoulders so I could see the fireworks at a better angle. You should have been there it was beautiful and rides were Amazingggg!" You replied enthusiastically. You saw him turn his head away with a slight frown of disappointment and felt confused.

"Welcome to Unexpected Simulation Joint or what I usually call it USJ," pro hero Thirteen announced. As everyone gawk and amaze at the arena and Thirteen's appearance, you felt a cold shiver creep up your spine. Something is wrong. You gripped your hands into a fist when you spotted a small black mist slowly grow larger in the middle of the arena. "Is the rescue activity starting now?" Someone asked. "No it's not, Thirteen protect the students get them out." Aizawa sensei commanded as villains started walking out of the mist. This can't be happening, was it the breach from yesterday? "Shouldn't All Might be here? Tch," a messy blue-haired male with a hand on his face complained. "Perhaps if we killed some of his students he will appear," he stated in a disgusting tone. He whispered something to the black mist male beside him and the mist male disappeared.

"Guys let's move," Kaminari stated nervously. Y'all agreed and started running towards the entrance. "Not so fast." The male mist stated. You paused the male mist and shouted," Tenya go! Go get the other teachers here quick Aizawa sensei and Thirteen would not last long alone!" You see him hesitate for a second before nodding his head and rushing out the door. Just as you suddenly heard a loud crash behind you making you loose you concentration on the mist guy, Bakugo and Kirishima rushed towards him aiming to hit him down. But missed him. Before you know it you were covered in mist and everything went dark.

You looked around at your surroundings and found your amidst a bunch of tall buildings. Conflagration Zone. Just as you stood up, a bunch of villains came rushing towards you. Great, I can train my combat skills now. You smirk as you stretched your arm. "Don't get cocky gir..." A villain shouted before you paused everyone within your sight. You bounced on your toes excitedly as you picked up two rod pipes you found on the floor. You rushed towards the frozen villains and started knocking them down in a blink of an eye making sure to have them out cold. Really that's it? You sighed as you hit the last person. Just then you remembered Aizawa sensei fighting at the centre of the arena and immediately rushed towards the centre not looking back.

Just as you reached the centre you see Aizawa sensei fighting with multiple villains rushing out to him at once. Amazing! You smiled proudly at your teacher. Cracking your neck you rushed towards the villains pausing them one at a time while punching them out cold. Just as you finished a crowd of villains you heard a sudden loud bang, you lifted you head to see Aizawa sensei being crushed into the ground, flinching each time he was smashed. You finally came to your senses and paused the weird looking brain monster. "You really are amazing. Eraser Head." The blue-haired male said as you realised Aizawa sensei erasing his quirk before his hand reached Tsuyu's face.

"It's okay now! Why? Because I am here!" Someone shouted as the doors of the arena were blast opened. You smiled at the glowing figure standing confidently at the entrance with a smile. All Might rushed down the stairs straight towards the brain monster knocking him off Aizawa sensei. "Y/n, Midoriya, Tsuyu and Mineta bring Aizawa away from here and head out the arena." All Might commanded. You rushed forward to help lift Aizawa while All Might apologised to him for being late. Tsuyu and Mineta then helped carry Aizawa sensei away towards the entrance. " All Might it won't work I punched him with on... I mean I punched him and he didn't budge," Midoriya said nervously. On? "Issok, you did well. You can stand back now." All Might praised.

You stood back and watched All Might take on the brain monster, waiting to jump in whenever it seems like he needed help. Suddenly a black warp teleported the top half of the brain monster leading to it sinking its hands into the sides of All Might. You immediately paused the monster preventing All Might from being injured further. Just as you did so Shoto, Bakugo and Kirishima rushed in knocking the monster away from All Might. "Tch, annoying brats," the blue-haired male grumbled. Y'all rushed towards monster and the blue-haired male ready to attack them as All Might slowly stood back up from the injury. You paused them giving the boys a good aim on them punching them off the platform. Just as you unpaused the brain monster stood back up charging to All Might, "It is alright y/n I'll deal with him myself." All Might commanded. You hesitated and nodded your head facing towards the end of the platform to see if the blue hair would stand back up.

As All Might punched the Monster out of the arena you saw something blue slowly rise from below the platform. You paused him just as Snipe shot his face grazing the blu hair's cheek. Before you were able to apprehend the blue hair a black mist quickly warp the blue hair away. Tch, I'm too slow. Suddenly, black spots appeared and your head felt light. Shit. I used too much. You felt your breathing slow down and you clutched your chest. Just as your eyes went black you heard someone shout, "y/n!"

It's cold. You shivered as you tried to shift your body away from the coldness, but only came to the realisation that your right hand was stuck to something unable to move. The memory of the fight at USJ suddenly hit you like a tidal wave and you started to panic. Shot, did I get kidnapped. You quickly opened you eyes and sat up causing you to knock out the air in your chest and cough violently. "Y/n your awake. Are you okay? Take it easy," someone on your right said concerningly as he patted your back. You turned to see Shoto holding onto your right hand while patting your back. No wonder I felt cold. You nodded your head weakly and slowly adjusted your breathing.

As you adjusted your body to the bed, Shoto explained the following events that occurred after you passed out. Turns out the brain monster also called a Nomu was caught and so were the minor villains however the leader escaped. Aizawa sensei and Thirteen were badly hurt but are now out of critical stage. You sighed disappointedly at yourself allowing the villain to escape your grasp. Shoto saw your disappointed face, "y/n it's not your fault. It wasn't even your duty to catch him, you helped the police force catch so many minor villains you should be proud of that." He stated warmly. You looked at him and smiled weakly going in for a comforting hug. Shoto's body froze for a second before going in to wrap his arms around your body while patting your head.

After getting the green light to be dispatched from the hospital, you and Shoto went back to UA to change and grab your bags before heading back home together. As he walked you to your housing complex, you turned to face him and waved goodbye to him warmly but stopped when you noticed that he seemed hesitant. He suddenly walks up right in front of you leaving a small gap between you and him. You lifted your head to look at him confusedly but was left shock instead when he kissed your forehead, "I'm glad you're okay." He said quietly before walking away saying goodbye. You stood there as still as a statue as a deep red blush crept up your face to the tips of your ears.


Another chapter done🎊
I hope you found it interesting see you soon.

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