Thoughts to kill .

15 1 0

She tugged at her hair as tears streamed down her cheeks . Scratching , biting , pulling anything she could grip on her body . She couldn't breathe , couldn't make a sound ; her mouth open from screams that refused to be heard . 

She'd tried messaging , phoning , every possible thing she could think of to know if he was ok .Nothing worked . She couldn't get through to him . And she couldn't ask her father  for help . He hated him , like he hated everyone else she held dear . 

So now , she suffered in silence . In the confines of her own room , wishing the pain would cease , the screams come out . The screams inside her head were not helping either . Toying with her , making her imagine the worst . Images of blood , blades , car accidents , bad falls , injuries .....they all came crashing through her mind . All at once , she saw him lying lifeless , a pool of his own blood surrounding his frame . 

How she begged any force that would listen to let her hear from him , that he was ok . Her head was screaming at her with the pain , the voices in her head growing louder and louder . She felt dizzy . Still she pulled and scratched and bit until she too  was bloody . 

She had skin and blood under her nails , her entire body littered with bloody scratches and bite marks . Curling up in a ball in the corner of her dark room , she pulled her hair almost to the point of pulling it out . 

Still , she rocked backs and forth , silently screaming and begging for it to stop . Begging to breathe . Begging for a sign that he was ok . The front f her shirt was soaked with tears , her hair damp from sweat . 

Everything was screaming at her . Everything hurt . And she begged . Begged her mind , her lungs , her body . Begged god for a sign . Begging for him tp be ok . 

Finally, she screamed. Loud and clear and painfully riddled with heart ache . Her tears never ceased , as black dots appeared in front of her vision . 

Then .....darkness . 


A/N: I'm just voicing my pain and thoughts and everything others refuse to listen to . So please feel free to comment on it . I really don't mind the criticism 

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