"No More Cake"

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  (I didn't know what song to put for this chapter, so have "No More Cake")

  I have no idea how long I’ve been laying on the ground, but my headache has begun to subside, so that’s a plus. I still couldn’t feel my arms, or my legs, so I won’t be getting up anytime soon. Actually, you know what,

  “Might as well get up, no time like the present, right?” I thought to myself, “Now, all I need to do is move my arms.”

  I tried to focus on my arms, which turned out to be more difficult than I would have thought, since I can’t feel either of them. After what seemed like hours, I started receiving feeling from one of my arms.

  “Yes! I can feel my arms! Wait, no, only my right arm.” My excitement lessened, sighing mentally, I thought, “At least I have some feeling. I can prop myself up like this, I can see where I am once I’m up.”

  I used my right arm to push me off the ground and rolled onto my back.

 “Hah! I have done it!” I thought excitedly, “Now, let’s see where I am.”

  I looked up above me, and realized why I had been stuck.

 “Oh. That’s...that’s not a good sign.”

  Above me I saw rafters, rusty ones, covered in moss. Hanging from those rafters, were vines. The vines were what caught my eye, not the rusted, moss covered rafters. Not the broken and crumbling ceiling. Not the stars that I could see far in the sky. Not the shadows that seemed to run high above me. No, it was those vines I couldn’t take my eyes off of. 

  “Those vines are the reason I was stuck!” I realized, “They must’ve been wrapped around me!”

  I propped myself up, and looked down at my torso to see if I was right. 

  And I regretted my decision as soon as I did.


   My suit, which seemed like it used to be a bright, red color, was now a dulled burgundy color. My sleeves, which I assume were long at one point in time, now only covered half of my arm. The rest of the sleeve was a mess of fabric, vines, and wires. Looking down at my legs, I could see wires spilling out of tears in my pants, which dipped down in a few places, as if stretching across gaps.

  I moved my eyes to look to the left of me, at my other arm, the one I hadn’t been able to move. Well, the “empty” space that was my arm, anyways. Wires and vines were splayed across the ground where my arm was supposed to be.

  “What….what happened to me?”

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