"They'll Find You"

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  I’ve been walking around for a while now, and I haven’t seen any hint of where I am. I know it’s some sort of warehouse, but no clue about where it’s at.

  “I’m just glad that I’m able to move.” I thought to myself, “If I fell down again, I probably wouldn’t be able to-”

  My thoughts cut short as I rounded a corner.

  “Hello!~” Someone sang.

  And I screamed in response.

  Another thing not to do ever again, I noted to myself, was to scream. The reason why? Because it’s so loud! Not only that, but it’s distorted, screechy, and the closest thing to compare it to is nails on a chalkboard. Yeah, not the best thing. It also made my head start pounding again, which is not fun.

  I only got a glimpse of whoever it was before my body shut down.

  What a wonderful time.

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