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In a small Village, a Little Boy was Born. he had pale Skin.

As the child grew, his mother eventually realized.

this child had no emotions at all, and was a Zombie.

With an uncontrollable Appetite.

So the mother kept the child in the Basement.

to avoid the neighbors' prying eyes.

evry night, she stole livestock from other houses, and secretly fed and raised the child.

One day it was a chicken. Another day it was a pig. After many years of Living like taht, a plague broke out in the Village.

It killed all remaining livestock and a large number of People died.

Those who managed to survive all left the Village.

The Mother who could not leave her child behind, had to Resort to chopping off one of her legs, and then one of her arms, to feed the crying child.

After giving evrything to her child,the mom who only had her Torso left.

hugged her child for one last time.

And gave him the rest of her Body.

The child hugged the mother, who only had her Torso left.

And spoke for the first time.

'' Mother is so warm. ''


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