Advil and headaches

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"So, how was going to Diagon Alley last night?"
"It was great, mione! I wish you were there, I also wish I wouldn't be so hungover right now." Delores explained as she chuckled.
"Oh, what did you do this time? Did you fake your age and get drunk at hogsmeade again?" Hermione asked.

"Nope," Delores said as she took some Advil and put it in her mouth before chugging some water and swallowing the pills, in hopes to get rid of her dreadful headache. "I went to Weasleys' wizard wheezes, there was a huge party there. I can't remember much, but I know I had so much fun!"

"That sounds fun but also like a disaster waiting to happen. I wish I would've been there to watch over you... you never know what an immature boy may do." Hermione explained. Hermione had always been keeping Delores out of trouble because Delores would get into it often.

"Yeah, yeah... a little party never hurt no one! You should party more, mione...those Weasley boys sure know how to throw one!" Delores exclaimed.
"I don't know, parties aren't really my thing... I'd rather stay here and read." Hermione said while brushing her long brown hair.

"Alright, let me know if you change your mind." Delores stated.
"We should probably go downstairs for breakfast now, are you ready?" Hermione asked.
"Yes." Delores simply said.

Both of them left their dorm and went down the several flights of stairs arm in arm to the great hall for breakfast.
They went to sit down with the rest of their house as Delores spotted the red headed Weasley twins far down the table, steadily talking about their party that went down in history. The whole tabled started giggling and whispering as soon as Delores sat down. Both Hermione and Delores gave each other confused looks and chose to ignore it when they spotted bacon.

"Hey, Delores... how was diagon alley last night? Harry asked while taking a seat on the other side of her.
"It was great!" I-"
"Did you hear about my brothers imfamous party?" Ron interrupted.
"Yes, I went to it." Delores stated.
"Really? Bloody hell, why would you do that?" Ron questioned.

"Why would you keep interrupting people, Ron?" Harry asks while looking quite agitated.
"Sorry..." Ron apologized quietly.
"Well, I was invited... so I decided to go. It was a lot of fun, although I don't remember much of it." Delores explained.

"Makes sense." Harry stated.
"I guess so, but my brothers are goons." Ron added quietly enough for Delores to here as she scoffed.
The group finished breakfast and decided to visit the courtyard, since it was a Saturday.

"Hey, there's that goon Malfoy." Ron stated. Delores looked up and saw Draco sitting in a tree, reading a book. She couldn't help but think he looked quite peaceful up there.
"Don't bother him, Ron... he's reading." Delores said. "Fine." Ron blankly spoke. Ron had always been like a brother to Delores, they could always tease at each other or get each other pissed off easily.

Ron and Harry decided to go play Wizards chess inside, while Delores and Hermione stayed in the courtyard to enjoy the nice weather. Cedric had just walked outside when he noticed Delores, a huge smirk grew on his face.

"Did you see that?" Delores asked.
"Yes, I did. I wonder what his deal is." Hermione replied. "I don't mind, he's super hot." Delores stated while smiling."You've always been blunt, and I like that about you." Hermione said as both of them laughed. Delores couldn't help but wonder why he smirked at her, he has never noticed her until today.

"Hellooo, Delores." Someone suddenly said from behind her.
"Hi Fred!...or George." Delores replied and laughed. "It's Fred. so, enjoy the party last night?" He asked while winking at Delores. "Yeah! Well, I think I did... I can't remember much from last night. All I remember is dancing and drinking." Delores explained.

"Oh... that's all?" Fred asked with his eyebrow raised. "Yes, I guess so." Delores responded while being slightly confused. "Well, ok then." He said while walking off and laughing to himself.

"What is going on?" Delores asked Hermione. "How would I know? Maybe you did something crazy at the party?" Hermione said while trying to think of what could've happened. "Nah, I think I would've remembered if I did anything crazy." Delores stated while laughing.

"Were only the Gryffindors there?" Hermione questioned.
"Nope, I think I remember Draco being there... that's right! He was staring at me when I first got there and I was telling Luna about that at the beginning of the party." Delores explained.

"Maybe he confessed how he liked you or something?... I dunno." Hermione tried to make sense of the whole situation. "No, no... I think I would remember that. Why was Cedric smirking at me today then? I'm pretty sure that was the first time he's even looked at me." Delores said while being confused as ever.

"I have no idea, I'll try to help you figure it out, but we have class in a few minutes so we should probably get going." Hermione assured. "Thanks, mione!" Delores exclaimed.

They both went off to their class as Delores couldn't help but question in the back of her head about what she had done at the party last night.

*chapter end*

(A/N) kind of a short chapter, but I hope you enjoyed it! Please let me know what you think :)

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