Chapter 89

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In just ten minutes' drive, Wen Wen looked like a little milky cat with its teeth and claws, disguised as vicious with its cute appearance, but there was no danger in fact. In order to prevent the cat's hair from exploding so widely, the victim had to pretend to be afraid.

As soon as the car stopped at the door of his house, Wen Wen pushed Fu Yunruo into the house for the first time and looked at Si Yue vigilantly from time to time.

Fu Yunruo took a look at the junior and senior students, and followed Wen Wen's words back to the house.

Wen Wen reassured him and said: "Mom, you can't come out and listen! This is a negotiation between our men, you can't listen."

Fu Yunruo laughed and said, "Well, well, I will never overhear."

Fu Yunruo took the opportunity to enter the door. She looked back at the door and thought, Si Yue should be able to coax Wen Wen... right?

Fu Yunruo was actually quite curious about what Wen Wen would say to Si Yue, but since she had agreed not to eavesdrop, after thinking about it, she didn't go to the door and went back to the house and started cooking dinner.

Wen Wen's hands are crossed... the little hands are so fleshy that they can't reach their hips, so he changed his posture and looked up at Si Yue: "If you have something to say, just say it here!"

Si Yue looked around, then raised his eyebrows, "Are you sure."

Wen Wen hesitated, the people on the roadside were indeed not a good place to talk, so he reluctantly said: "Go to your house." He took the lead and stepped forward aggressively with his short legs.

Si Yue walked behind holding the flowers that had not been sent out.

Wen Wen walked to the door and looked up at the door that was not so different from his home.

Si Yue passed him and opened the door, and then walked in. Wen Wen was very angry.

In the past, I was very happy that they had fate to be neighbors. Now that I think about it, he must be on purpose! It must have been the idea of ​​getting the moon near the water and the platform, and when they heard that they moved here, they secretly bought the next door to create a coincidence!

Wen Wen seemed to be on the battlefield, walking in aggressively.

In view of the relatively hot weather in the yard, Si Yue, with Wen Wen's consent, moved the negotiation site to the house.

Wen Wen was originally sitting on the sofa, but this small body looked too imposing, so he took off his shoes and stood on the sofa, at least the height did not seem to be so obvious.

Si Yue sat face to face, with several plates of Wenwen's favorite desserts on the table, and fried him a glass of nutritious juice, "Are you hungry? All you like to eat, try it soon." Si Yue's home Always prepare sweet but very delicious snacks, just waiting for Wen Wen to come at any time.

Wen Wen dismissed him, is he such an easy person to be bought?

Si Yue didn't say much, the little guy was like a firecracker, exploding at one point, and his voice was soft, "Wen Wen wants to talk to me?"

"What evidence do you have to prove that I am your son?" Wen Wen's eyebrows frowned tightly.

He picks out the details, "My mother didn't know you before." He has reasons and evidence. Maybe the more Si took the opportunity to fool his mother, he must have fallen in love with his mother, so he took advantage of him!

"There is a reason for this, and you will know it when you grow up." The child is still young, and Si Yue is not good at telling him something between adults. After all, he wants face.

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