An engine and his brother

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Based on A Princess and her Sister from Blue Toad

The Island of Sodor is home to many engines of all shapes and sizes, but it is also home to two of the biggest engines on Sir Topham Hatt's railway: Gordon and Henry!

Gordon and Henry are two of the biggest and strongest engines on Sodor; Gordon pulls the express, and Henry hauls freight cars. Sure the two engines had their occasional fights, but in the end, they are quick to set aside their differences. 

One night, Gordon and Henry were alone in the sheds, the other engines were away elsewhere. Gordon decided talking to Henry.

"Henry, can I say something?"

"Sure, what is it?"

Gordon looked down at his buffers.

"I haven't told anyone else this, but, when I was a young engine, I had an imaginary friend."

"An imaginary friend?"

"Yeah, his name was Henry."

Henry suddenly stopped. His eyes widened after what Gordon had said.

"I remember my other brothers would scold me for mentioning him... but I don't know why. Henry... he always felt like he was real, like he was special to me."

Henry plucked up courage, and looked up to Gordon.

"Perhaps...they missed him."

"Missed him?" Gordon asked.

"Yes...missed me, to be precise."

Now it was Gordon's turn to stop.

"What are you talking about?"

"Gordon, when I was young, I was made to look like an A1."

Gordon was in complete shock, you could easily knock him down with a feather.

"Henry, what are you talking about?"

"Gordon. You and I...we're brothers, half brothers to be exact."

Gordon was speechless! He could not believe what he had heard.

"Gordon, are you alright?"

"I- I remember now!"


"Sir, who was that A1 with a 4-6-0 wheel configuration?"

"Gordon, that was Henry, your half brother; he is actually a prototype of your class."

"Sir, how is Henry my half brother?"

"I don't know, Gordon."

(Flashback ends)

"That's when the plans were stolen... I remember it now. It's always been locked away in my memory." Gordon said plainly.

"Yes...Gordon, I'm so sorry. I've let you down so much. First I broke my promise... and then I abandoned you."

"Henry. You had a job to do." Replied Gordon. "I'm not mad. I would be if you had left your job to come back here."

"Gordon..." Henry burst into tears as the now half brothers looked at each other.

"And you still have to, Henry. But, like you do with your jobs, I'll see you off with a smile... but I'll think of you each day."

"Yes, yes you... w-will." Henry hiccupped.

"That's right." Gordon nodded.

"Thank you...for not being mad." Henry sniffed.

"It's fine, brother..."

The pair looked up at the sky, as the stars twinkled in the night sky. Gordon and Henry smiled at this.

"Let's stay like this... just for a bit longer." Henry asked.

Things returned to normal the next day. Gordon hadn't slept at all, and was returning to the sheds. Henry, meanwhile, was on his way to the Mainland with his goods train. with several freight cars behind him.

Gordon backed down into his shed, and then looked up into the sky.

Henry did the same thing, too, as he waited at a red signal.

"Be safe, brother... and thank you."

Both of them said at the same time.

"I'll think of you whenever you're doing your work..." Gordon mumbled.

"I'll watch over you, no matter where we are." Henry whispered.

Gordon's shed doors were closed, and he fell fast asleep.

Henry's signal had turned green, and left for the Mainland.

Both brothers had met...and bided each other goodbye.

Such is life for Gordon and Henry.

The End

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