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Celia's P.O.V
It's finally Friday I been waiting for
this day since the week started. The day had been going fast well as fast as six classes each one hour long. I was walking in the super crowed hallway towards my seventh period. I was walking with Jasmine one of my 'friends' if you could call her that. She was talking about this guy in our Principles of Human Services who was bugging her I was not really listening.
"So what should I do about Erwin?" Jasmine asked.
"Don't know, maybe he likes you Jazz." I said.
"Gross! Don't say that Celia he's ugly and weird, plus he used to like you. So I won't what to get in between you guys." Jazz said.
" We are just friends, Jazz, and did you know that we just passed your class, right?" I said before walking in to my class.
"Oops! Talk to you on Monday." Jazz said walk back to her class.
When I walked in to my reading class I was one of the first there the desk were set up in groups which meant that we are going to do a project. I sat down in one of the groups I knew that she was going to move us anyway since the last time we chose the groups it didn't end up to good. The bell rang and the other kids started filling in I wasn't paying attention until the late bell rang. The first thing Mrs.Sanes said was not to get comfortable since she was going to move us. I didn't really mind I knew mostly everyone in class.
Once she switch us I was in my group with my best friend, Alice,and Edric a boy I didn't know too well but I had a small crush on. Our group was ment for four people but we only had three because some kids were absent. Mrs.Sanes us an assignment to make us get to know each other better.
By the time the bell rang we were barley on number 3 because we started talking and laughing. We became good friends. I guess that my crush just got a bit bigger.

My Horrible, Awful, Pretty, Good school daysWhere stories live. Discover now