Where is it?

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📱Stiles pov📱
I guess me and Scott fell asleep at my house last night, good thing it was a weekend. I woke up first and decided to take a shower it only takes me 5 minutes to shower and when I got out of the bathroom Scott wasn't in the bedroom so I figured he went down to the kitchen to get something to eat. I walked down stairs and Scott wasn't there either I was going to call him but I couldn't find my phone then I went back to what me and Scott did last night, oh yea we went to the woods, ugh it could be anywhere out there that's when I remembered when I fell out of the tree because of that thing. I decided since I couldn't call or find Scott I went to look for my phone when I got in by the tree where I fell I saw Scott lying on the ground. I ran over to him but he didn't have a heartbeat and he wasn't breathing so I sat there and looked for my phone to call Scott's mom I was about to hit the call button then Scott just woke up and I dropped the phone and ran to him and I said "dude how are you alive" and Scott just looked at me for a few minutes "what are you talking about and why are we in the woods" I told him about when I got up to take a shower he was asleep and when I came back he was gone then I told him how I was gonna call him but then I realized I must have dropped my phone back here so I came to look and I saw you lying there not breathing and you didn't have a heartbeat so I was gonna call your mom but then you just woke up, Scott looked at me all confused he tried to get up but he had a sharp pain in his side when he lifted his shirt we saw a bite mark from an animal so I helped him up and we walked back to my house when we got there my dad still wasn't home like usual. We went up to my room and I started to research what the side effects were that Scott was having then we saw something, something we have before it was the thing we saw in the woods last night Scott's a werewolf "oh my god, wha the.. No you can't be.. Or can you!!" I kinda yelled at Scott and Scott was looking at the ground "look at me Scott!" I yelled but when he looked up it was something I didn't expect to see " your eyes" I said to Scott " what?" He asked so he went to the mirror and looked at his eyes he screamed I tried to get him to calm down but he wouldn't after 10 minutes he final calmed down so we went back out to the woods to finds that guy wolf thing but all we came upon was a old burnt house, but when we were turning around someone showed up right in front of them i was kinda scared then the thing said "what are you to doing here"he growls it kinda sounded like the growl from the other night I said "well me and my friend were going to see if we could find anyone to help us with this bite on his side" I said and pointed to Scott the guys eyes widened "what did you just say" the guy asked with a frightened look on his face I said "can you help us with this" and Scott lifted his shirt the guy then asked when this happened and I said" just this morning" he said" come back to this spot at 7 o'clock" then me and Scott agreed
It was 7 and me and Scott were back in the woods waiting for that guys he never really told us his name i wonder what his name is but then I was pulled out of my thoughts by people talking it was Scott and that guy. They had finally finished talking and I asked him what his name was he said "my name is Derek, Derek Hale" then Derek started to walk away and I said "where are you going" and Derek said "just follow me" so we did then we arrived at the old burnt house we saw earlier and he walked in and we followed there were 7 other people there Derek introduced them to us there was Ethan who's brother was Aiden and there was Danny who was dating Ethan then there was Isaac and Erica who was dating boyde and then there was Jackson the only one who wasn't a werewolf was Danny.
📱stiles pov📱
Well me and Scott new Danny from school but he never talked about Ethan but we all new he was gay so It didn't really bother us. After he introduced them he introduced us he said "guys this is Scott and this is stiles" they all said their hellos then left other than Isaac who was starring Scott up and down but I only saw him for a minute before my eyes where back on Derek just how he looked I mean wow and I guess he saw me staring cause he took me out of the wolfs hearing range and asked why I was looking at him I was kinda blushing... Okay I was hard core blushing and then he said "so you saw Isaac to right " and surprised I said "yea he was so looking at Scott" and I kinda laughed and he smiled and I saw a little twinkle in his eyes and it was so beautiful and just like that I was blushing again and the I looked down trying to hide my face when all of the sudden I felt cold lips hit mine I was surprised but then I kissed back. We were like that for a couple minutes then the door opened and scoot and Isaac walked in and we broke it up I mean to be honest I didn't want to but you know Scott didn't know I was gay, Scott then proceed to stomp out side I followed him and said "Scott Scott what is up with you why are you mad" he then looked back at me with yellow eyes and he started to walk closer to me "why am I mad.. WHY AM I MAD!" He yelled "I'm mad because I walk in on my best friend kissing someone we just met
I mean you don't even know him" he started to get closer to me I started to get scared I backed up and he yelled "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU.. YOU JUST THINK THAT" but before he could finish someone pushed him away and said "don't touch him and don't ever yell at him" that's when I saw who it was it was Derek I was crying and I felt someone grab me I started to freak out then I heard a familiar voice it was Isaac he was carrying me back to Derek's house and I couldn't help but cry we got there he asked if I was ok and I said yea and I said "is Scott gonna be okay" Isaac smiled and said "yea he will" I asked why Derek saved me and he was nervous and ignoring my question I asked again "why did he protect me" just then Scott and Derek walked in the house Scott looked at me but I looked away "I-I'm sorry stiles" Scott said but I still ignored him he then said I got to go and left so it was just me, Isaac and Derek
🐺Derek's pov🐺
I was looking at stiles like I looked at Paige but Paige was my mate and now she's dead and when me and stiles kissed I felt that spark the spark I felt when me and Paige kissed that's when I realized stiles was my mate but I couldn't tell him that he's my mate not when we just met, and I was thinking ugh stiles was really cute then I realized I said that out loud and I started blushing and then Isaac pulled me into the kitchen and said "what the hell was that" it was silent for awhile "I don't know I just like him he's well he's my mate" I said he looked at me and said "I know I can tell by the way you look at him it's how Erica looks at Boyde and its how Ethan looks at Danny" I then looked at him surprised and said "how do I tell him I mean we just met and" but he cut me off and said " just tell him he'll accept it I swear I mean the way he looks at you is the way Danny looks at Ethan" we then walked back into the living room and stiles looked at me with the little twinkle in his eyes and I couldn't help but smile, I looked at him and said "can I talk to you for a minute" and he shook his head I looked at Isaac and he left to go into the woods. I sat on the couch next to stiles and said "it's okay if you reject me and never want to talk to me again" then I just came out and said it "stilesyourmymateandImeanI knowitsprobablyhardtotakeallthis newsatonceand" then I was cut off by lips pressed against mine it was stiles I kissed back wrapping my hands around his waist him wrapping his hands around my neck and his legs around my waist we started out rough but it turned into a soft passionate kiss and we stayed like that then my phone rang and I answered it, it was Isaac

~The phone call~
Isaac~ Derek (he sounded worried and hurt)
Derek~ Isaac what's wrong
Isaac~ it's.. It's Scott I-he
Derek~ he's what Isaac?
Isaac~ he's kissing some girl I- I
Derek~ Isaac?
Isaac ended the call I was worried i was pacing back and forth trying to figure something out then Isaac ran inside and straight up to the bath room and locked the door, I walked up stairs and knocked on the door "what's wrong Isaac, open the door please" I said he just cried and said "no" then I started to smell it the smell of blood "ISAAC OPEN THE DOOR" I yelled worried I then broke to door open and Isaac was sitting there with the blade In his hand and his wrist bleeding I asked him why and he said "because Scott is my mate and he was kissing that-that stupid bitch" stiles was by the door his eyes were filled with worry and surprise he walked over to Isaac and crouched down In front of him "Derek could you leave please" he said and I left the bathroom and went to the living room
🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾📱Stiles pov📱
"Isaac" I said in a comforting tone and he looked up at me and said "yea" I said "why Isaac, why'd you do this" he looked at me with scared eyes and said "Scott's my mate and he was kissing some girl I-I didn't know what else to do" I looked at him "Isaac that isn't gonna help you, this won't help just tell Scott how you feel he'll understand I swear" I said to Isaac "can you have him come over" Isaac asked me "yes I call him and ask him to come over" I said we Wales back to the living room and Scott was already there so I took Derek's hand and took him upstairs.
🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐺Isaacs pov🐺
Me and stiles walked downstairs and to see Scott walking through the door stiles took Derek up stairs and me and Scott sat on the couch I said "can I ask you a question" Scott looked at me "yea Isaac you can tell me anything" he said "well Scott you see-umm yourmymateandiknowyouareprobablygonnarejectmebutthatsok" then I was cut off by cold lips on mine we kissed for a couple of minutes then we heard Derek and Stiles so we stopped they walked in and we were siting there "nice hair stiles" I said laughing he fixed it then took my hand and took me upstairs out of Scott and Derek's hearing range "so did ya tell him did ya tell him!!" He said excitingly "yea and-and well" I said "oh no he didn't reject you did he" he said "no he he kissed me" I said happily "OMG OMG" he said we walked back downstairs
🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐺Scott's pov🐺
"So do you like stiles" I said looking at Derek derek started to blush then said "no" I was like "yea you do I can smell it and I can tell it's the way Isaac looks at me is how you look at stiles" he started to blush then he said "do you like Isaac" I started to blush he said "you do I knew it I new you liked Isaac" that's when I sac and stiles walked in the room Isaac said "really you do like me" I smiled and said "yea your my-my mate and I will always love you" this made stiles go "awwwwww" and Derek started to smile "you love stiles don't you Derek" Isaac said me lifting my head up what he said it was true and they already new that "yes I love stiles with all my heart" I said everyone staring at me just then the rest of the pack came in but something was wrong Ethan was hurt and all I smelt was wolfsbane I asked what happened Erica said "some girl with black hair shot him" Scott looked up "it was Allison" Danny said
This one wasn't as short as the first one but sisaac and sterek doe 😍😍 ~xoxoxo~

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