Chapter Twelve

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You wake up the next day and drag yourself out of bed. You change into your robes and grab your bag. You and Hermione walk down to the great hall and sit next to Ron and Harry.

"Y/n.. Draco's looking over here..", Harry said nodding towards Malfoy. 

You ignore him and and stare down at your untouched food.

"Y/n... Y/n! Come one we are going to be late to transfiguration!", Hermione said, waving her hand in your face before.

"Oh, coming..", You say. You stand up and head to transfiguration.


You were walking down a corridor with the trio when you saw Cedric, but it wasn't just Cedric.. It was Cho Chang.. They were kissing...

You felt nauseous and dizzy. Hermione grabbed your arm before you fell over.

"Y/n- I'm sorry..", You heard Cedric say. You quickly ran away, Cedric was chasing after you. You saw Draco and ran up to him.

"Hey Y/n. What are you-", You cut him off my cupping his face and pulling him towards you. 

Your lips connected. He kissed you back, wrapping is arms around your waist. You knew Cedric was watching but you didn't care because you were caught up in the moment. You wanted the moment to last for ever. Soon you broke away for air...

You knew everyone was looking at the three of you but you didn't care. You let go of Draco and he did too. You grabbed his hand and ran. You pulled him with you. Cedric chased after you.

Soon the two of you were in the courtyard. You let go of Draco's hand.

"Why y/n?!", Cedric yelled.

"You were making out with Cho, Cedric! That hurt!", You yelled back. People were gathering around now.

"What's going on!?", Draco says. Everyone was around you guys but you didn't care.

"Choose me or Draco, y/n", Cedric said firmly. 

"I can't!", you yell.

"Why not?!", Cedric yells back.

"Because.. I-I'm in love with both you! Okay! I love you both!", you yell. 

Everyone goes silent... You can't believe what you just said. You glanced over at everyone and saw the trio standing there, their eyes bulging and mouths open wide.

"What..?", Draco said, a confused expression crosses his face.

"Choose y/n... me or Draco!", Cedric said.

"What..?", You say. You didn't want to choose but you knew you had too. Tears were forming in my eyes.

"Choose y/n! Choose!", Cedric yelled. 

"I- please Cedric.. don't make me...", You say walking towards him.

"Choose! Me or Draco!", Cedric said, backing up.

"I-I", You stutter, tears fogging your vision as you tired to hold them in.

"I-I choose..", You look back in fourth between Cedric and Draco, tears were forming in Cedric's eyes, no one could move. Tears stung in your eyes as you held them back.

"I-I choose... D-Draco..", You stutter. Everyone around you gasps. A tear ran down Cedric's cheek.

"What...", Draco said in a surprised but happy tone.

"I-I'm s-sorry C-cedric.", You say. He starts to run away.

"Cedric wait!", You yell chasing after him. 

You ran for what felt like forever before you had lost him. You ran up to the Gryffindor towers. You ran into the common room, everyone in the common room turned to look at you. You ran up to your dorm and slammed the door. You completely broke down. You fell onto your knees, sobbing. 

You still were processing everything that just happened, kissing Draco, loosing Cedric, your friends seeing you choose their enemy over someone else, you don't know what to do.

A wave of rage came over you. You stand up and start knocking stuff off your dresser in rage, photos, books, your possessions, everything. You couldn't believe that Cedric made you choose and that you did. You fell back on the ground sobbing. Soon you heard a loud knock on the door.

"I'M BUSY HERMIONE!", you yell.

"It's Draco!", Draco knocks on the door again.

"Go away Draco!", you say covering your face with your hands.

"ALOHOMORA!", Draco yells. The door comes flying open.

He sees you sitting on the floor crying. He runs over to you and knees next to you. He wraps his arms around you.

"It's okay..",Draco says, shushing you.

"Its not Draco...I hurt Cedric...", You say sobbing.

"It's okay Y/n... He deserved it...", Draco said, softly stroking your hair..

You sob in his arms for a while before he pulls you up onto your bed. He wraps his arms around you.  You wrapped your legs around his waist and put your arms around his neck and fell asleep cuddled together...


"Morning Y/n.", Draco said in a cute morning voice.

"Good morning.. Come on.. Let's get out of bed.. We have school..", You say unwrapping your arms from around him.

"Five more minutes?", He said, pulling you closer.

"No Draco.. We have school..", You say, kissing his forehead.

You unwrap yourself from him and head to the bathroom to change into your robes. You leave the bathroom and see Draco slip his robes on. You walk over to your dresser and put on a bit of mascara and lip gloss. Draco comes up behind you and puts his arms around your collar bone (like a hug from behind). 

"Ready?.", He says kissing your cheek.

"Yea. Let's go.", You say leaving the dorm.

You meet up with the trio and you could tell they didn't really approve but you didn't care.


Warning! Next Chapter will have cuss words!!!

Mine (Draco x reader x Cedric)Where stories live. Discover now