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They sat next to each other, but they couldn't be farther apart. His hand was placed on top of hers and she smiled lovingly as they entertained the group of diplomats.

Both the faux affection and hosting of guests were done out of pure obligation on her part.

He would occasionally run his thumb over her hand, prompting her to return the gesture. Again, a forced and rehearsed reaction that she'd mastered after a year of their union.

Another situation that stemmed from duty rather than want.

"I must say, Prince T'Challa, you have a very beautiful wife." One of the men, a heavyset Colonizer with graying hair that was thinning out and probably shedding at an accelerated rate commented while eyeing her breast.

"I am aware, Senator." He responded, lifting his wine glass to his lips. "She is a vision."

She stopped herself from rolling her eyes. He truly was a master of deception.

"Love," she smiled sweetly, the action causing her to mentally groan. "I'll be right back."

He squinted his eyes and stared up at her with faux concern. "Is everything alright?"

She wanted to tell him no. Inform him that her feet were on fire and her form-fitting dress was practically suffocating her, but she did not. He knew that she didn't want to be there in the first place.

He didn't even want her there.

No, she instead lifted her hand to his face. "Of course, husband." She could feel the eyes of the white men on her, watching both their interactions and the way that her dress accentuated her backside. "I simply have to, oh-" she turned to the men. "What is that American saying? Powder my nose."

Her joke emitted laughter around the table and a small chuckle from him.

"Very well." He nodded as she turned to walk out of the dining area. "Ayo, please accompany her."

She stopped dead in her tracks. Of fucking course.

Bastard knew exactly what she planned on doing.

"Honestly, he treats me as though I am a child." She laughed lightly and walked back over, standing behind him as she said her hands down his chest, her chin on his head. "Perhaps he should chip me." She joked, again earning laughter from the attendees.

However, she could feel it. His irritation at her comment which he knew to be her way of letting him know that she was unhappy about not even being able to go to the restroom without a Dora to accompany her.

"A man can never be too careful." He responded calmly, his hand lightly feathering her arm. "It would devastate me if something were to happen to you."

She. Wanted. To. Gag.

The man was a hell of an actor. "Oh husband, I shall be fine. We are stuck together, forever." She kissed his hair and winked at the table before turning on her heel and walking out without another word.

She was so ready to be out of there.

"Princess," Ayo called out. "The restroom is that way."

"I know." She replied, bringing her fingers to her ears to remove her diamond earrings. "I'm not going there. I'm going back to the hotel."

She could just imagine the irritated expression on the woman's face.

"Princess, I do not think that is a wise-"

She rolled her eyes and turned around, a hand on her hip. "Do me a favor and alert the driver that I am ready to depart." Ayo sighed. "Oh, and please inform my husband that I was suddenly overcome with a terrible nauseous feeling." She smiled sarcastically. "He'll understand. There is only so much of his bullshit that I can take."

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When she arrived to the room, she quickly disrobed, showered and dressed in a short, sleeveless, nightgown. Her Marley twists were secured in her bonnet as she sat on the bed watching some American program about people participating in some singing competition.

In all honesty, it was boring her as she disliked such types of programming but nothing else was on, and she was bored.

The princess of Wakanda suddenly thought of an idea as she looked at the clock. It was nearing 2am and her husband still had not returned to their shared room.

Pulling her wrist to her face, she dialed the correct line and extended her arm.

He didn't pick up.

She rolled her eyes and leaned back into the headboard, annoyed and horny. Two miserable feelings separate and downright torturous when combined.

Nevertheless, she decided to leave him a video message. "Hello, my love." She pouted while sinking in the bed, aware that her flimsy top was doing little to conceal her sizable chest. "Why do you not answer?" She smirked and played with the straps. "Your princess needs you." A beat. "I can not wait to return home."

She looked up when she heard someone outside the door. The princess disconnected the call and resumed her half-hearted watching of the TV.

She didn't even look up as he walked in and dropped his card key on the table.

"You are still up." He commented not out of concern but annoyance. Good. She wanted him to irritate him. She lived for it. "Why?"

She rolled her eyes. "Maybe because I can't sleep?"

He growled and moved to stand in front of the TV, effectively blocking her view. "Considering the stunt that you pulled earlier this evening, I would think you would mind your tone."

She laughed. "And I would think you should know me better than that."

"We both know that I'd rather not know you at all."

"Your words wound me, husband." She feigned a sad sigh before glaring over at him. "When can we leave this awful country?"

"You leave today." He informed vaguely.

She narrowed her eyes in suspicion. "And what of you?"

"My duties here are not yet completed," he informed moving from by the TV and loosening his tie.

"Tell me," she propped her brow. "Do these duties involve fucking my sister?"

Of course, he was going to see her. They were in New York, the same place she was currently stationed.

He paused and turned to look at her, that signature smirk that made her want to strangle him half the time, strong and present.

She fisted the blankets as he walked over, sitting on the edge of the bed, his hand sneaking under the covers and beneath the thin material of her dress. She clenched her legs shut when she felt his fingers on her thigh.

"Would you rather I fuck you instead?" He whispered, his other hand going to her face, his thumb parting her lips.

She growled and jerked her head away from him. "Why should we both suffer more than we already are?"

He smiled and squeezed her leg before standing up and heading into the bathroom. "You should sleep. Your flight leaves at 5."

Her eyes widened. That only left her two hours to sleep given she had to be at the airport an hour early. "You bastard."

"Next time, try to stick around for dinner, eh?" He taunted, closing the door as she pitched a pillow in his direction, the item falling to the floor.

"Damn him," she cursed, hating that she didn't think of him reacting to her leaving that dinner so abruptly. It should have been at the front of her mind that he would pull something so vile. Anything to get away from her.

Not that she didn't value and appreciate any distance between them. Not at all. Her sister could have him: mind, body, and soul.

Nakia could have everything involving and relating to T'Challa Udaku.

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