7// Hawks and Touya

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Touya- I mean Dabi's POV

"You're a dick" Gasped Hawks
"And yet I still haven't told your secret but maybe I will if you keep testing me you fried chicken."
"Secret?" Its Shoto even after all these years I still remember his voice.
"Of course we all have secrets don't we Shoto?"
"My name is Todoroki and what are you trying to imply?"
I realise the rest of 1A is here and so is Aizawa who's glaring daggers at me. Let's have some fun with this.
"Touya Todoroki." I get glares from Hawks, Aizawa and Shoto.
"You have no right to speak his name"
"He has two children."
His face looks mixed between angry, sad and happy. "With that thing" I point to Hawks and he throws his hands him in a 'well here we go' way.
"You knew Touya?" Not the question I thought I was gonna get
"Yep. Best villain of 'em all. At such a young age too. Us? We were best friends partners in crime." I see his face twist in horror. His brother? A villain? Ha, wait till I get to tell him the rest. Not today, but one day.
"A shame what happened, you know with the fire and all? Such a terrible way to go down, burnt to nothing." I see his anger but he knows better to lash out because that's what I did that's what a villain did and he wouldn't want to be like that would he?
"So where are the kids now?" I look up for the first time and see Aizawa finally connecting the dots. Yeah. I fucked a bird and he laid an egg what ya meant to do?
"Nowhere you'd wanna go, kid" he looks at me confused "Whether or not you're going to accept that your brother was a villain he was a good one and they're in the care of the league. So yeah I've had practice with children that's why I haven't blown your head off. Practice." 
"Will I get to meet my niece and nephew?"
"ill bring in my son next week"
Your son?" I see Hawks freeze
"Shut up, they're cute ok and I've become attached" I hear Hawks giggle behind me, oh god how I've missed that laugh. "Shut up pea brain!" 
 Shinsou yells from the back of the class, everyone goes silent thinking he's hit a nerve.
"Oh says you cat loving bitch"  I hear a loud fake gasp.
"How DARE you, sir" Some of the class has started to loosen up and join in with the teasing. Has much as I hate the students teasing me every time I walk through the halls I'm kinda proud. Anyone else that dares even think about saying I have a soft spot for kids is gonna turn into a pile of ash in a matter of seconds. Shoto doesn't seem to believe me or trust me eh. The truth always comes out. He can't run from his past forever.

I give you some fluff and soft Dabi as a gift in hopes you'll forgive me for what i write in the next chapter oop-
I know this was meant to be DabixHawks and their kids but shhhhh, now its Mr Dabi and his problem children.

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