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I want to press my lips against yours so badly but, I know I won't be able to until his bittersweet taste is out if my mouth and his puppy dog eyes are no longer circling around in my mind like vultures, consuming everything in sight. except for the purely simple and addictive thought of you and I finally together after all those years as just friends.
After all those years of watching each other fall in lust with other people.
After all those years of comforting each other, telling each other that it gets better.
Finally it got better.
Finally we are more than just friends.
Finally we fell into love.
With each other.




Dear reader,
You are loved.
You are cared for.
You are needed.
You are a lovely individual.
You are a major part of someone's life, they would be lost without you.
You are perfect.
You are you, don't fight it, don't deny it.
You are beautiful and I love you.
The Truth
|\ me /|

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