Chapter 2

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A few days before Christmas, they met up for hot chocolate, hiding wrapped packages behind their backs and looking nervous but excited.

"Hey," said Ashlyn sitting down across from him.

"Hey, it's crazy that we haven't met up all of break until now."

"Yeah, I kind of feel bad about that. I didn't... It was just... "Ashlyn trailed off, staring at her hot chocolate.

"We left things off on a confusing note, I don't blame you for needing time to think."

"Yeah, um do you want to talk about that?"


"We don't have to if you don't want to."

"No, I want to," Big Red said with confidence, "I kind of wanted to make sure that what happened after the play wasn't just because I got you the flowers, that you didn't think you owed me anything."

"It was partially because of the flowers," Ashlyn said, "but not because I thought I owed you anything. No one has ever treated me the way you do, or noticed me the way you do. The flowers were just one more thing to show me how nice you are, how lovely you are, and I kissed you because I really like you, not because you gave me flowers."

Big Red blushed, flustered.

" you know how you like me?"

"I don't, I'm sorry, um, here. This is for you." Ashlyn passed the wrapped present and Big Red opened up a gorgeously bound book.

"It's Shakespeare," Ashlyn explained, "I know you didn't have the most fun experience reading the stage directions aloud but, well... I think you have a lot of talent, Big Red, I think you're an amazing person and the whole world deserves to see what you can do. I'd love to be in the Spring Musical with you, and I thought, well... I've always practiced with Shakespeare. His plays and poems are so beautiful and they make me think and feel. Kind of like the way you make me feel. And I don't know what I feel about you but I know you're amazing and I want to see where this goes, whether or not we're anything more than friends; because I want to keep you in my life."

"You're so good with words, and I'm really not, my present is dumb compared to yours because this, this is amazing and I'll cherish it. But well, I hope you like it." Big Red pulled out her present and she unwrapped a very cute little journal.

"It's not as good as what you got me, but you are such a great song writer, I figured you'd need a place to write down all those songs you have. And uh... I wrote down a few notes in there, if you ever need encouragement."

"It's perfect Thank...thank you. Thank you for letting me take my time. I need to figure myself out before I figure us out, and it means a lot to me that you get it and aren't trying to rush me."

"I'd never want anything to happen if it wouldn't make us both happy. We had a magical moment after the play, but it was just one moment, and if it can't be anything more than that, that's okay. Merry Christmas Ashlyn."

"Merry Christmas, Ryland."

"That's not my real name."

"Is one of the nice notes you left me your real name?"

"Well maybe you'll have to read them and find out."

"Well I guess I have a lot of reading on my hands."

"I missed you Ashlyn."

"I've missed you more."

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