Untitled Part 1

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(Disclaimer, I own nothing but the plot and OC, this will be a very dark story, and if you are sensitive, don't read! What would happen if Malachi Boardman from Children of the Corn heard a girl around his age sing? Three years after the Gatlin murders, and he can't get her voice out of his mind! Not even He Who Walks Behind The Rows could erase her song... He would do anything for her... And he would kill to keep her. Malachi Boardman/OC)

What is Stockholm Syndrome?  is a psychological response. It occurs when hostages or abuse victims bond with their captors or abusers. This psychological connection develops over the course of the days, weeks, months, or even years of captivity or abuse. Meaning that they form a 'relationship' with their abductors...

                                              -Malachi's Memory-

Malachi Boardman was lying on his bed, the higher-ranking teens got their building to live in, and he made the most of his privacy. No one knows where his home was, and for that, he was very grateful. And Rachel was the reason he was out there alone, and personally, he liked it that way. He sighed, he usually was be sleeping about this time, but he couldn't! He sat up and got dressed in his typical clothes; he decided to take a walk, true it wasn't his turn to patrol tonight, but it didn't hurt to take a walk. 

He roamed in deep thought; he touched his knife, ironically the solid comfort he felt at night. Malachi wasn't this jumpy or moody. He wanted something for himself or someone. He shuddered inwardly; if he ever became desperate enough to go to Rachel, he would go gladly to He Who Walks Behind The Rows. If given a choice. He continued to venture forward when he heard a noise; it belonged to a man. He smiled; he needed to get some rage out. He listened to what the man was screaming, "Willow! You spiteful bitch! Where are you?!'' He sounded angry. Malachi peered a bit more and saw a beautiful sight! 

She had rib-length dark blonde hair and soft gold eyes, her build was athletic to curvy, and her skin was as pale as his. She was dressed in nightclothes, and they were torn! His eyes went wide, her breasts were full and made for suckling, her hips were child-baring! There was a group, at least three men and a girl roughly Malachi's age. And the men were plotting something, and the girl was warning them that she would scream and bring anyone that would hear her. The three men were staring at her; upon closer inspection, the two other men had thicker builds and blonde hair. 

"Who is this slut?!'' Came the man's voice, another man that was standing by him, "It's your brat, Willow, don't you know your own seed, why is she around here?'' The man glared, "Willow, get lost; you're gonna be in the way!'' She placed her hands on her hips and glared back, "You are such crooks. You know that there's nothing here for you in Gatlin!'' She screamed.

"I'm gonna scream and warn the world!'' Came the girl's voice at the top of her lungs, "If you utter one little scream, you'll regret it, for more than a year!'' The man was unbuckling his belt; she screamed and ran! "Girl, if I have to find you and collect you. You will be one sorry little bitch, I'll make you scream!'' came his warning. The other two men had run in opposite directions! He heard panting like someone was running for their life! The moon was providing him with enough light to see what was going on, and he saw her up close and the man that was chasing her, the man appeared to be at least in his forties. He had an average build with black hair and blue eyes, and he saw that she was terrified of this man; he had his belt in his hand and a gun in the other. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2020 ⏰

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