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Cutthroat continued to run as we approached a back door. They were still on our track but Cutthroat was must faster. It was surprising how he could run so fast with another person on him.

I wasn't exactly sure how I felt about him now. Yes he had just killed my boyfriend and a lot of people but he had protected me this whole time. Although I would never agree that taking someone's life was okay I couldn't ignore the fact that he tried to protect me. I couldn't ignore the fact that he had just saved my life and was trying to save my life right now.

All my life I had been able to tell between the good and the bad. It was clear wasn't it? Those who go against the law are bad, but is it so wrong to stay alive? Am I bad person for wanting to live?

I glanced over at Cutthroat.

A serious expression sat on his face as he continued on.

Was it wrong for anyone to want to survive? Cutthroat would surely die if he was caught and he knew it. His serious expression was proof of how serious the situation had become.

He threw open the back door only to be met with more officers. A small smile drew on his face and he cut his way through the crowd. He was just as graceful as the first day I had saw him. My heart skipped a beat and I looked away embarrassed.

Once he had finally got through the crowd he made his way through as many back allies as he could to throw them off and after ten minutes of continuous running he finally took a break. We stopped in a small alley and he finally set me down.

"You should go home."

I blinked a couple of times from shock.

"Home?" I asked in confusion.

"Yes home go home just go to sleep."


He brought a hand up to my face rubbing his thumb lightly against my cheek.

"Don't worry my dear when you wake up everything will be fine... I promise..."

"I don't think—"

The sound of alarms began to ring throughout the whole city. Red lights began to illuminate all over and a near by sign lit up. On that sign had Cutthroats face with the words wanted underneath them. I seems like they were unable to see me but that didn't help Cutthroat.

"How could I sleep after this?!"

He tilted his head to the side visually confused.

"I- Hes dead he— there was so much blood.. How can I sleep after all that..? How can I sleep after my own boyfriend tried to murder me? How can I sleep knowing the police are after us?"

"Are you scared?" He asked moving his hand to lightly grip my chin.

My heart sped up in all sorts of ways as I stared down at his soft hands. For as many times of the day as he used that knife his hands still remained soft.

I nodded my head in response a nervous feeling beginning to grow in my stomach. Cutthroat moved in closer our lips only inches away now. I could feel his warm breath it smelt like marshmallows. Using the hand he had gripped on my chin he moved me forward till our lips touched. My heart had stopped at this point as his soft lips moved against mine. He pulled back slowly, all I could do at this point was stare.

"Don't be afraid ill protect you."

His words were as tempting as his kiss. I couldnt help but to nod my head again and a smile crossed his face.

"Now go home... I promise when you wake up we can live in a world where we won't have to run from the police. I promise my darling ill keep you safe."

He let go of my chin and backed away slightly. I was still word stricken. All I could do was bring a hand to my lips. They were so soft and warm it was different than my boyfriend. His had always been so rough and hard to enjoy but my heart was pounding in my chest now and the feeling in my stomach felt like it would explode.

Cutthroat pushed me to the side lightly and I looked towards the street.

Was I seriously about to go home like nothing happened? Sleep like no one had just died? There was no way I could sleep but I wanted to trust him so badly. He had saved me twice now and he hadn't tried to hurt me. Would it be safe? At first I wasn't sure what to think of him, but now I knew.

This strange childish man had made my heart race.

Cutthroat x Swindler (Akudama Drive)Where stories live. Discover now