Taekook (lil bun bun)

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"Taehyung!" Jungkook yells from the other room Taehyung walks in to find Jungkook handcuffed to the bed "help me" Jungkook whimpers "how the fuck?" Taehyung asked walking over to the side of the bed trying to undo the handcuffs "no daddy not with those" Jungkook smirked. "Wha- how am I supposed to fix this..naughty boy got himself into a mess due to impatience. Daddy needs to punish you. You stay there. Daddy gets to use you now" Jungkooks face lights up a bright cherry red, he tried to pull his legs to his chest. "Ah ah ah" Tae grabs his ankle. "You want to be and impatient brat, time to get punished" "What no!" Jungkook whisper yelled desperately "oh you know you like to be punished" Taehyung smirked before getting onto the bed kneeling before Jungkook "your not going to use lube" Jungkook gulped "nope your going to take it raw" Taehyung smirked. "Please Daddy, don't go raw. I'm begging. Please please plea-" He was abruptly cut off by Tae pushing in very fast, no warnings. "No." "Tae-" Tae pulls out very fast and shoves back in, causing Jungkook to throw his head back and dig his nails Into his palms in painful pleasure. "What's my name? I never remember telling you to call me that." "Come on bun what's my name" Taehyung smirked "d-daddy" Jungkook moaned "yes that's it bun" Taehyung said slamming into Jungkook Taehyung quickly pulled out walking over to his closet "Tae- d- daddy what are you doing" Jungkook whimpered "here" Taehyung smirked putting bunny ears on Jungkook before getting back into his place. Jungkook took a second to breathe while Tae walked away. His ass was on fire, it was going to hurt to his for a week and a half if Tae kept up like this. But damn, did he have a rock hard back and booty. Jungkook was enjoying the view. Once Tae got back with the bunny ears Jungkook got extremely embarrassed. "Wha- this is ridiculous! Take them off please!" Jungkook begged. "Begging me a lot today huh? If bun is not going to listen to me when I say wait for me to come home, then I'm not going to listen to little bun bun" "That's not fair" Jungkook pouted "what's not?" Taehyung asked "me being puni-" Jungkook said but was cut off by Taehyung slamming into him again "you know I don't think this punishment is bad enough" Taehyung smirked "wait what!" Jungkook said desperately Taehyung got off once again grabbing something from his nightstand "what's that?" Jungkook asked not having seen it "cock ring" Taehyung smirked "oh shit" Jungkook whispered "no cursing bun" Taehyung smirked as he slammed into Jungkook once again. The purple cock ring scared Jungkook. It felt too good, even raw. No matter how much the extra dry stretch hurt him, he couldn't shake the pleasure rushing through his body. His cock was twitching. A low moan escaped his lips, rumbling a growl out of Taehyung lips. "I love it when your cock twitch's against my stomach, it's amazing to feel you turn to jello under me.. being honest your already there and I'm just getting started." "Please no" Jungkook whispered desperately "what?" Taehyung asked arching an eyebrow "please no daddy" Jungkook whimpered "I don't like repeating myself bun" Taehyung said as he clicked his tongue ramming himself into Jungkook "d- daddy your so big" Jungkook cried in pleasure "yes but you like all 8inches" Taehyung smirked "please daddy I have to cum" Jungkook cried his cock desperately twitching Taehyung didn't reply he just thrusted harder "daddy!" Jungkook moaned loudly. As he screamed cum shot onto his chest. His wrists were rubbed as raw as his ass from the amount of pressure he was putting on them to break out. "Lucky bun, be glad we moved out so you can scream all you want" Tae quickly finished after this, as he finished he quickly got up and walked out. Leaving Jungkook to sit with cum on his chest and spilling out his ass. "Where are you-" "I forgot my wallet, so I never ended up going to the store. So now your gonna wait like that- oh and Miss Landlady is coming in 10 to collect rent, it's on the nightstand." Tae winked and left, leaving Jungkook to figure that out on his own.

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