Beastie Drive

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Beastie is a new Transformers oc of mine. A strong, Australian-Korean Ford Ranger Raptor who is addicted to Monster energy drinks when in humanform. Can never see her without her with that drink.
(Art is mine)

Beastie: Slamming on the breaks in front of the others, I knew they had to do something about it. "GET IN!" I yelled, as I saw Crosshairs, Drift and Bumblebee leap into the back of my truck. I then sped off letting my tires spin.

Crosshairs: I saw a assault rifle. Turning around, I knocked on the window, rising the gun up to get Beastie's attention. I saw her nod, letting me shoot whoever is chasing us.

Drift: I stood up tapping the roof with my hand, then sliding myself into the passenger seat, "Sorry, I had to slither in. I saw 20 more cars up ahead."

Beastie: "20?! Sheit!" Looking around, I saw a solar panel farm near by and took a sharp turn, making Crosshairs almost fall off and Bee fly off. I chuckled as I saw the both of them fix themselves up. Speeding at 300km an hour I drove in place, making sure to not hit any panels or accidentally skid and slam us four into death.

BumbleBee: I grabbed the other gun that was beside me and started shooting with Crosshairs. I heard Drift yell, "We're going to get some air up ahead. Hold onto something!". Still shooting at the cars through the panels, I held onto something to not fall off.

Crosshairs: Feeling like everything was in slow motion I continued to shoot the last bullets, just before throwing it at a decepticon car. Watching it swerve and rolling, as well as a few cars crashing into it. Letting out a "Haha!" I held down onto something, before going into the air then landing hard onto what seemed like sand.

Beastie: Still keeping an eye on whatever's ahead of me I picked my head out, "How many of the stupid shits we gotta go through?!" Hearing BumbleBee reply I groaned at the amount. "10 down, 16 more to go!" I sat back down normally, and pulled out a teargas-like-explosive that I made with a lot of chemicals and liquids that shouldn't be near vehicles. I painted them to look like the monster energy drink cans. "Drift throw this! This fucks up their engine!"

Drift: Grabbing it, I pulled the tag off of it then threw it after aiming for the decepticons. I saw at least 5 or more cars roll out of the smoke and explode. I let out a breath in disbelief. "15 more to go!"

Beastie: "Sick! Now we just need to know how to get these other away." Opening one of my drinks then taking a sip, I felt speed go through my veins. I shivered. Speeding to the fastest through a forest and dodging each tree.

The boys were holding on for their dear life. While Beastie was going 250km per hour losing a couple of cars, going through shallow ponds, dodging trees and leap in the air with natural ramps that were smooth rocks placed perfectly for jumps.

Drift: Feeling the truck shake while speeding trough a dead wish of a drive, my voice vibrated along to it, "No wonder why energy drinks are called energy drinks! Because it gives you ACCESS ENERGY THAT YOU DON'T NEED" I held onto the handle bar, my nails digging into my hand.

Beastie: At the end of the forest was a leap, I sped to the top km per hour I could only go. I yelled in excitement while in the air, Having my head out of the window and my energy drink in my other hand.

Crosshairs and Bumblebee: Through a leap that Beastie could just make. We started yelling that we felt that was slow motion when we were in the air, "N-O F-U-C-K-I-N-G W-A-Y"

Beastie: I drifted to a stop very close to a boulder. I saw the enemy cars rather stop or try to make it but fall to their death. I hopped out, chugging the rest of my drink then throwing the can after crushing it. "See how we're alive?! AND YOU'RE NOT?! YEAH!" I turned around then shaked my ass in cockiness. I walked back to the truck, "you two alright?"

Bumblebee: "tHAT. WAS. AWESOME." I threw my hands up, after fixing my hair slightly. I turned to Crosshairs then laughed, "He had fun, i can tell-"

Crosshairs: I felt my neck slightly crack after looking at him sharply, "i DID-..... Okay maybe i did. But you ALMOST KILLED US."

Beastie: I shrugged, "I don't see what's wrong with a little bit of fun."

They all drove back safely to base, along the beach and dirt tracks, with BumbleBee having a quick snooze in the passenger seat while the others were sitting in the back of her truck, watching the sunset. Let's just say, Beastie got into trouble for driving like a crazy woman by Optimus who was also left speechless by the skills that she has.

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