You are the reason why I smile every day, but, you are also the reason why I'm sad.You don't know that I admire you a lotbecause you are different from the others.
You are the reason why I'm competing in a tournament. My one, and only coach I'm addicted to looking into your eyes I can't help but crave your presence.
You are much more precious to me thandiamonds could ever be, I wish the laughter beside me could belong to you instead.
I just want to say thank you for everything, I alwayspray for your happiness and don't forget to smile always.Keep fighting and keep on shooting, my love.
There is so much I want to say, butthen, I don't want to move too fastand risk my heart again. Thank youfor the wonderful journey that you give to me.
It's all about YOU
Literatura FemininaWe love someone we experience the same positive thoughts and experiences as when we like a person. But we also experience a deep sense of care and commitment towards that person