Chapter Numder Uno

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P.S the muisc is what i listend to and it descrides the the twins.

Nico's POV

I was laying on the floor (cuz' the stolls had put springs under the matresses in the hades cabin) when the door opened.I liffted my head to glare at whoever disrupted my peace.Instead I saw my sis Hazel.

~Haz what do you need?~ I said before she could even ask me why I was on the floor.

~Dad wants you something adout Mushu and Gaia...~

She waited for my reaction.I groaned and stood up.Well better not keep father waiting.

~bye haz~

I said whilst shadow traveling to the throneroom of the palace.When I arrived father inforemed me and sent me to the Olumpus to tell the gods. On my way to the throneroom I saw a girl around my age speaking rapid italian to her arm ? But I only heard a snippet of her covesation it went something like this:

~No you don't understand  I will rebel G~

~No I am not breaking it~

Then she yelled I WILL TELL  MOTHER ! Kinda strange but I went on my way to the thronehall cuz' it ain't a room more like a hall.

Lilly's POV

G was giving me a hard time which is not what a sis should do .But she's been acting fuuny since the gods took away her immortality...But back to the present she said either I join or she will tell the camps.But then I heard my sis 's voice I glanced around to make sure no one was around to witness an' old roman technique used by Hekate's worshipers.I looked at my forearm  and saw an image of my sis.

~What ~ I said coldly.

~Ouch is that the way to treat your furtre ruler~ her voice said into my mind.

~Anyway have you made up your mind cuz' I will tell the camps.~

~No, you don't understand I will rebel G

~So you're breaking our pact~

~No I am not breaking it~I said

~So tell the camps it is~

I panicked and yelled~I WILL TELL MOTHER~

~YOU WOULDN'T~ she yelled.

~Don't Understainte me~With that I ended the call.And I walked away like a bad b*tch.

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