Bianca (1)

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-A story where Bianca doesn't join the hunters...and lives! However, she panics when she discovers her powers, and runs away after accidentally scarring Nico's face 


-Bianca is reborn as Beatrice Diana Anderson, an daughter of Hades who remembers parts of her past life


-(In TLT)

Percy: Excuse me, what year is it?

Bianca: Let's see...I was born in 1927, and I turned eleven last year, so...1939 ish?

P: Okay...*Starts to walk away*

B: *notices his face* Excuse me...What's your name? Mine's Bianca.

P: Percy. Why?

B: Well Percy, I have to ask you, what year is it?

P: Uh...

B: *suddenly serious* Percy. What. Year. Is. It. 

P: *Timidly* 20XX...?

(Sorry that it's short)

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