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-Leo is thrown back into foster care (Maybe spends a few weeks with Gabe because I'm mean), and almost immediately gets adopted by the MBS. He is always heartsick and sad because Calypso went missing a month ago

-Calypso is thrown into foster care too and was adopted by a legacy of Apollo. He has other kids: a few demigods and at least one clearsighted mortal. Oh, and his name? Jackson Boone. (Yes, THE Jackson)


-When Kate and Annabeth were babies, the Chases and the Weatheralls were in a car accident, killing the to-be Helen Chase and making to-be Elizabeth Weatherall lose her memory. Many years later, 'Helen' regains her full memory, finds out that she married the wrong Friedrick with a blonde baby, and sets out to find her real kid with Annabeth, Bobby, and Matthew. 


-Kate is the daughter of Jason. Piper died during childbirth/a monster attack, and a heartbroken Jason changed his last name to Wetherall, named his daughter Katherine Piper in honor of Piper, and became a secret agent. Many years had passed, and the MBS is on a road trip. The car breaks down in Texas, and one of the members is sent to find a mechanic. Sure enough, they do, bringing Esperanza Valdez (the second)-and a multitude of old friends. 

-NOTE: this could also work for Constance, which is why she can, say, charmspeak without saying anything


-Constance is actually Octavian's cousin, and he believed that she would die in the train crash. So he tried to get to her, but Recruiters got to him first. He was then brainswept and sent to the institute, where he worked up to the ranks of Executive. When the Institute fell, he went to CJ under the only name he could remember: Octavian (Constance's first word).

-Constance is only alive because Hope (from Pandora's jar) secretly embodied her. 

-Constance-daughter of Psyche

-Reynie-son of Khione, and freaks when he freezes a Ten Man just by touching him

-Kate-daughter of Asteria, goddess of stars

-Sticky-legacy of Mnemosyne on his dad's side, and Periclymenus on his mom's (Imagine Mrs. Washington flying out of her wheelchair-literally!)

-Milligan-clearsighted mortal

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