Chapter 10

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Admiral Agathon was just finishing dinner with his wife in their quarters and was preparing to head out to CIC for a few hours before the end of the evening. "Another excellent dinner, Athena", he said, washing the last of it down with an ice water, "Chicken Parmesan. Gods you gotta love the Italians", he said with a satisfied smile.

"Judith Bond gave me the recipe a few years back. The kicker is how she seasons it.", Athena said in reply. Right then the phone terminal lit up. The LED screen stated the incoming call was from Offutt Air Force Base. That piqued Helo's interest.

"Admiral Agathon", he said formally.

"Dad?" It was Hera and she sounded a little unsettled.

"Hey, Hera, something wrong honey?, the Admiral said. The mention of their daughter's name instantly turned Athena's head.

"I'm not sure, to be honest. But something doesn't seem right to me and I need some advice."

"What can I help you with, sweetie?" He could hear a touch of fear in her voice.

"Not over the phone. Is there any way you can contact General Moran and request permission that would let me head up there ASAP? " Cloak and Dagger wasn't his daughter's game and Helo knew it. This had to be serious.

He replied slowly. "Sure, honey, I can do that." Think can be up here by 1900 your time?" He looked quickly at his watch. That was in two hours.

"If you get the OK, yeah, I can do that", she said with some relief. "I'll head back to my quarters and wait for them to call me. Thanks, dad", and the line went dead.

"Karl, something's wrong. What's going on with Hera?" Athena had heard the end of the call.

"I don't know babe, to be honest. She wants me to get a hold of Moran at Offutt and get her up here ASAP", he said. "Other than that, I have no idea." He filled her in on what their daughter had told him. "Let me call the General."


Twenty minutes later the phone rang in her quarters. "Lieutenant Agathon", she said as evenly as she could.

"Lieutenant, Signals", came a formal reply back. "Apparently your father has requested you head up to the Churchill. The Boss got a call from him a few minutes ago and cleared it. Your father didn't say if there was a family problem or anything", the Officer on the line added, "and he promised the General you would be back no later than the morning."

"Thank you, Captain, I appreciate it. Can you have the hangar get my bird ready?"

"I can do that, no problem, Lieutenant, have a good evening", and the line went dead.


"Churchill, Raptor 1171, requesting landing instructions", Hera was about five minutes out from landing.

"Raptor 1171 turn left course 136 mark 190 to starboard landing pod, checkers are green." Said the voice on the other end.

"Roger, 136 mark 190 Starboard, I've got green." And she lined up her vessel. It was a perfect landing and within a few moment, she was heading to her parents' quarters.

Both of them were waiting for her and, naturally, her mother got to her first. "Hey honey, your call worried us, how are you?"

"Personally? I'm fine mom, but something weird is going on." She turned and gave her dad a hug and a kiss.

Part 1 Battlestar Galactica: Back To The Colonies: Of Droughts And GrudgesWhere stories live. Discover now