Chapter 15

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The signal went out to the blasting caps under the stage where the eighty pounds of Semtex had been set up. They were all programmed to detonate at the exact same moment.

But something was wrong with eight of the twenty blasting caps. The caps had not come from the same production batch, and these eight had suffered microscopic fractures in the wiring after they were encased in the rubber that surrounded them. When the signal came, it was halted by these fractures.

But the other twelve were working perfectly.

Louis Hoshi had just turned to run towards the stage. He knew now that a coordinated attack was underway. And while he didn't know if this venue was at risk, he needed to clear the stage and the arena as soon as he could.


11:16 AM, Tyson Events Center

"We have endured so much together", the New Caprican President said, looking fondly out at his citizens that had gathered. "We've weathered together the drought and the acts of violence that have been carried out by the cowards who would do us harm. We will get through this together." More cheers and applause rang out in the arena.

Just as the President was getting ready to continue, he, Justin Bond, Admiral Baltar were thrown in the air, as a huge explosion obliterated the stage, a fireball spreading out inside the arena...


11:17 AM

Holy shit", hollered Tony Rapman, in the Raptor South of the City. "Explosion at the venue, Hera, a big ass explosion!"

Hera knew other Raptors would see the same thing, but her training kicked in. She got on her radio to inform Offutt, "Krypter, Krypter, Krypter! Command, Raptor 1171, we have a massive explosion at the venue in the Capitol, send more units immediately!"


11:18, Offutt Air Force Base

General Pembers was meeting again with Karl and Athena Agathon. He was just going over the latest on the search for Narcho and Hardball when his Aide stormed into the building.

"Sir, an explosion at the Tyson Events Center in Sioux City", the young woman said in near panic.

"Goddammit, no", the General swore. He called the Command Center which was fifty feet away, "Rogers, put the base on full alert; get the Ready Reserve of Raptors in the air headed towards Sioux, we've had a major explosion at the Tyson Center!"

The General and the Agathon's then ran toward the Command Center.


11:18 AM, 3rd and Nebraska Street, Sioux City

The explosion sounded almost like a sonic boom to Tera Chance, and she had even blanched at what she saw before her. She regained her composure quickly and headed towards her assigned post in the hotel room she had rented. Fortunately for that structure, the explosion had taken place at the West end of the Events Center and had blown most everything West instead of East.

At the same moment, Tomas Sands witnessed debris being flung onto Interstate 29, directly in front of him at the Flight 232 Memorial. Like Tera, he had been momentarily stunned by the blast. Some debris had come very close to where he was. Traffic on the Interstate came to a screeching halt as debris and flames ascended onto the roadway. Motorists were getting out of their vehicles and moving towards the conflagration with the instinct to help whoever might be inside the damaged structure. Sands moved across the Interstate to the Walgreens Drug Store, about a hundred yards South of where Tera was now moving to.

Part 1 Battlestar Galactica: Back To The Colonies: Of Droughts And GrudgesWhere stories live. Discover now