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y/n was at the store browsing for gifts

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y/n was at the store browsing for gifts. it has been 3 years since she started dating rin. she didn't know what to get, it was their third year anniversary after all. she wanted it be special and meaningful she didn't care if it was cheap or expensive, she just wanted something that screamed 'I love you.' she kept browsing until she saw it. "perfect." she mumbled. it was strawberry shortcake.

"rin give me back my damn food you little shit!" said y/n out of breath. suna stopped running and looked her dead in the eye. "no." he said with a smirk. he kept running. y/n groaned getting annoyed. she would give up but it was her fucking food. she used HER money that she got from scamming old men. she came up with a plan.

she waited until volleyball practice was over and waited outside the doors ready to ambush suna. suna walked out the doors forgetting what he did and y/n tackled him. "BITCH." she said. osamu and atsumu just kept walking. suna tried to get up but she pinned him to the ground. "LET GO OF ME YOURE CRAZY." he yelled. she was furious. how dare he call her crazy when he's the one who stole her fucking food. she pulled his hair and he winced and let out a soft moan.

she stopped moving and just stared at him. suna was blushing a bit looking the other way. "bottom rin." y/n mumbled a couple times. "BOTTOM RIN." she started laughing going crazy, which was a mistake because suna sat up and she fell backwards and hit her head. she winced at the pain but got up and ran after him. she grabbed his arm and pulled him towards her but to her dismay, he fell on top of her. "ugh." she groaned.  suna just smirked which made y/n even more upset. "give me back my food YOU LITTLE SHIT." she yelled losing her temper. "fine ill show you where it is ig🙄🙄" suna said.

he walked her to the gym doors and grabbed his backpack, then he lifted up his shirt and pointed at his stomach. "it was amazing." he said trying not to laugh. y/n kicked him in the balls and left. she didn't talk to him for a week. she ignored his calls and texts and even when he showed up to her house she ignored him. luckily, her parents didn't care because they didn't like him. one day he kept throwing pebbles at her window and she was getting annoyed. she finally opened the door and there stood suna with 2 bags full of strawberry shortcake, 4 bears, and 6 balloons. "im sorry for eating your food, I'll  never do it again I love you please don't be mad anymore." she just laughed. "i was just being petty, id probably talk to you next month but since you did this... ill forgive you ig🙄🙄👍"

he put the stuff down and hugged her. "I love you my little shortcake." he said. "that's all you could think of?" y/n said snuggling her head into the crook of his neck. "stfu." suna said. "ok bottom."
"I'll take this all back right now." suna said.

she laughed recalling the memory

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she laughed recalling the memory. she bought the cake and went back into the car. she wrote a little note and put it into the cake. y/n then drove home.

when she got home the door was unlocked. 'that's weird' she though. she heard grunts and moaning. 'no he would never do that.' 'it's probably someone else.' she shook of her uneasy thoughts and opened the door. there stood her fiancé balls deep into Miya fucking osamu. her cousin. she dropped the cake.

he was thrusting into his ass not hearing the door open. (a/n I CANT WRITE ANGST ANSJS) she felt her heart shatter. y/n let out a tiny gasp not wanting to sob in front of them. suna looked at her with a horrified face. he pulled out and quickly out on his pants and osamu did the same. (I AM LAUVHING ISBSHSJ)

"y-yn you're home early." suna said. she walked up to him and one tear slipped out her eye. she smacked him across the face. "how long." she said with no emotion. "w-ha- I- what do you mean?" suna said holding his cheek.( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) "don't fucking play dumb suna." he winced hearing his last name come out of her mouth. "f-four months." he said hanging his head down. "FOUR FUCKING MONTHS YOUVE BEEN FUCKING MY COUSIN? RIGHT AFTER YOU PROPOSED? YOU BITCH." she slapped him again but harder and then walked towards osamu. he looked so guilty. she slapped him hard as well, saying nothing she ran out ignoring the calls from suna.

she ran and got into her car. suna jumped in front of the car asking for forgiveness and begging her to stay. it took all her strength to not run him over. she pulled out the car and left, she didn't even take any of her stuff that she left there.  suna chased after the car but eventually stopped because she was out of reach. as cliché as it is, it started raining. "fuck." he mumbled.

"FUCK FUCK FUCK." he yelled into the rain pulling his hair in frustration. he walked into the house to see osamu still there "leave." is all suna said.  "i-im really so-"  suna cut him off looking him dead in the eye "LEAVE." osamu could see the pain and guilt in his eyes. he said nothing and left. suna closed the door picking up the cake off of the floor.

he saw a paper sticking out. he grabbed it out and read it.

surprise! you're gonna be a dad rin! i love you so much and im so happy, i know you'll be a great father. you're obviously gonna spoil them🙄🙄
happy anniversary!

-shortcake <3

but part 2? LOL

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