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I slam my head to the steering wheel why did I even bring up the possibility of doing this before Friday. I know why we're doing this because hate sex is fun.

But the thing is I don't hate Shelby she might hate me but I've liked her since 8th grade which coincidently around the time she realized she had feelings for my best friend, Colin.

Which is the second reason why she hates me you see when I found out she liked him I got so jealous that I told him and he rejected her.

She found out that I told her secret and was furious and that should of made me furious but she just so cute when she's mad and now I really fucked up because she'll never see me a boyfriend material just some guy she's hooking up with.

I pick Colin up from basketball practice he throws his gym bag in my car

"Dude what took you so god damn long what the hell were you doing" he gets in

"Sorry man I had detention" he lets out a laugh .

"Do you think I'm stupid you have lipstick on your mouth. Now tell me who's the girl" he say incredulous.

"I wish I could tell you but that's top secret sorry about that" I say with a wink he laughs again .

"Are you kidding me you don't even know the poor girls name"

"Look I don't wanna talk about it let's just change the subject"

"Fine how was history Shelby still fighting with you to you you know she can be cool when she doesn't hate your guts "my chest tightens at the sound of her name.

"She's ....... umm...... passionate I actually admire that about her" he rolls his eyes and chuckles

which frustrates me because he could have been hers he could have done all the things I want to do with her hold her hand, take her to prom, I don't know have people see us together.

Dude what does she have me thinking I'd never go to prom are you kidding me.

"So are you free sunday" I feel bad because he's been trying to get me to a party for a while I let out a sigh

"Yeah I'm free what's going on sunday"

"Kyles having a party there's gonna be booze come on you haven't been in a while".

"Sure sounds fun" I say yes even though I can't stand Kyle but it's a way I can get my mind off of Shelby. We get to his house and I park the car in his driveway.

"Hi Mrs Taylor" I say

" hey Luke what's going on with you"

"Nothing much"

"Same, Colin there's leftovers in the fridge if  you boys would like something to eat".

"Okay, mom" He says as we walk up stairs he grabs the remote.

"What do you wanna watch"

"I don't really care" I can't really pay attention all I can think of is Shelby the way she says my name even when she gives me the death stare I can't help it I just find it so adorable. Colin puts on what ever nba game was on last night

"Hey can I ask you a question" I ask

"Sure what's up"

"Look this was a while ago but in eighth grade why did you turn Shelby down?"

"That was kinda random but um I don't know I guess I just was scared you know with all the stuff you told me about her but I was also in eighth grade I didn't really have great reasoning skills, why do you ask?"

"I don't know I kinda felt bad you know with how it all went down that's probably the main reason she hates me now."

"She doesn't hate you like you said before she's just passionate and when you hang out with her she's chill you know what I don't really get why she forgave me and not you"

"I told her crush she liked him it wasn't your fault actually I kinda understand even if I'm the one she hates, plus you're dating Callie-"suddenly I get a text 


Today was really fun

I blush
                                                    It really was I'm                                 
                                                   Excited for next     
"Who are you texting?" Colin asks

"Um no one"

"Is it mystery girl you have the biggest smile on your face?"

"Fine maybe"

"Why won't you tell me who she is?"

It's a secret"

"Well you seem happy so I'm happy for you even if you're being weird about it"

"I'm not being weird but it's getting late so I have to head out"

"Okay pick me up sunday at 6"

"Okay see you then" God Why did I agree to go to that party.

Friday after schoolWhere stories live. Discover now