Chapter 3

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"Ding! Dong!", the bell suddenly chimed making me shoot up from my sleeping position and hit my head on the top bunk.

"Oww...", I groaned.

"Morning sleeping head~", Abby cooed and kissed my forehead.

I looked around the room and saw that Marc and Sasha were gone and that Abby was already in her suit.

"Marcus and Sasha went ahead to breakfast. If we can hurry there might still be food for us.", Abby said seeming to know the question on my mind.

I nodded and went to put on my suit. After Abby and I left the room and went to the Cafeteria. When we entered I noticed a big red button on the middle table.

"I'm guessing this is the meeting area.", I said aloud.

I also saw a closet in the bottom left of the corners. That was supposed to have an extra suit for everyone on the ship. They must have taken note of the different colours of our suits. Well at least if this suit I'm wearing now gets messy I have an extra one. After we got our food we went to the table in the top right to sit beside Marcus and Sasha who just sat down from getting their food.

"You're finally awake.", Marcus said setting the tray down.

"The bell just rung.", I told him sitting down.

We all had the same thing on our plate. A veggie salad, orange juice, and two halves of a sandwich.

"Well you know what they say, early bird gets the early worm.", he said then put a slice of the sandwich in his mouth.

"Do people actually say that?", Sasha asked.

Marcus shrugged and said, "Of course they do. I think."

"At least we are eating real food on this trip.", Abby said taking a sip of the juice.

"Yeah, oh hey! It's Jóse, Shaun, Chris, and Emily! Hey guys!", I waved to the group.

They all had their food and helmets off. They came over to our table and sat down.

"Hola. How was your sleep?", Jóse asked.

"It was great actually. What about you guys?", Marcus asked.

"Speak for yourself. You're snoring nearly kept me up for an hour.", Sasha teased him.

The four siblings laughed.

"So that's the sound we heard last night.", Emily said between laughs.

We all laughed. Then the bell chimed again telling us that it was time to do our tasks.

"Well, cya guys!", Chris said then walked off with his sister to find their tasks.

"Adios!", Shaun and Jóse said then walked off.

"So, what tasks do you guys have?", Abby asked as we placed the leftover food in the bin.

"I have a task in Med bay.", Sasha said.

"I think we all have tasks there. We're supposed to take a scan every day I think.", Abby said.

"Yep.", Marcus agreed.

I looked at my remote and saw the three tasks I had, it then turned to four.

"Huh? I got an extra task in electrical. I looks like the wires that give power to coms are down.", I said.

"Yeah, I got that too. I guess if all of us have the task we should try fix it right away.", Abby said and we agreed.

I walked off to Electrical but when we got to storage the light went off.

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