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Valerie Colver

"The name should be Henry Smith." The woman at the front desk scanned the list for tonight. This wasn't the hotel we had in mind, but it had to do because of the snow storm.

"I can't seem to find the name. Did you call for a reservation?"

"Yes I did. 2 nights ago." Tilly pulled the bottom of Harry's black coat, he took her gesture and place her on his hip. From the corner of my eye I saw him slip a pen into the sleeve of his jacket and to Tilly. With his fingers he counted down, 3,2,1. Tilly threw the pen behind the woman.

"Tilly, why did you do that? I'm so sorry ma'am, she's been acting out lately." The lady laughed it off and went to pick up the pen. Harry took this opportunity to look at the reservation sheet for today by hovering over the counter top and looking at her computer.

"I have a 6 year old. He's the same way so I understand. He's actually in the other room if your dau-"

"We would like to get into our room please and thank you." The lady's smile fell and she went to look at her computer screen again.

"I didn't realize the room was under my wife's name. It's Amanda Wilson." He added, looking towards me to let me know about the plan.

I nodded, knowing exactly what he was doing. The lady grabbed a sheet for him to sign and he was left to fill it out. Once he was done he set the pen down, "Okay, thank you Miss."

"The room is on the 3rd floor. 308." He informed us.

"I'm not answering your questions until you answer mine." I announced once we were alone. This made the two stop.

"Go ahead blondie. Let's see what you got." He said with a hint of laughter.

"Did you do it? Did you kill him." Again Harry stopped. He let go of Tilly's hand and sped walked towards me.

"Tilly, keep looking down the hall."

"What the fuck did you just ask?" He was about to touch me, but I got a hold of the knife from Tilly's incident and pressed it against his heart then neck.

He knew exactly what I was talking about.

"Don't fucking touch me." I breath out, staring directly into his eyes.

"What are you going to do? Kill me? You can't even defend yourself. You're weak. That's why Jackson sent me out to get you." I stood with the knife against his neck for a few more seconds until he got ahold of my wrist and placed the knife against my own neck. He lowered his mouth onto my ear.

"Be a good girl now okay? There's a little kid here with us and I'm not sure if I'll be able to control myself." The knife moved from my neck up to my lips, he ran the knife back and fourth along my bottom lip.

"But maybe another day." He whispered, putting the knife into his back pocket and heading down the hall with his daughter next to him.

I was left alone to find the room.

310, 309, 308,

"You guys missed it, it's here." The two turned around to face the door. Their reactions were the same as mine. The door knob was busted, the white door was no longer white and there were stains, maybe coffee or old blood stains.

"Come on doll. Stop pacing around. We have to leave right after we wake up." Luckily the room wasn't as bad as the door. There was a tiny kitchen, a king sized bed, a Tv on the right and a bathroom on the left. The view showed harsh snow coming down. Just below the window was a lake, it looked to be for ice skating but now that a snow storm was kicking in, it was closed.

"Daddy, I thought you said we were going to be at Uncle Zayn's today."

"I know baby, but the snow storm. We'll be there tomorrow. I promise." He took his jumping daughter off bed and began to take her coat off.

"But you promised and now it's getting moved to tomorrow." He sighed and took her off the bed. He grabbed his bag and took out monkey pajamas, along with 2 pairs of sweats and shirts.

I went into the kitchen to see if they would have any food. To my surprise there was. 2 boxes of pasta and some sauce, alfredo sauce to be exact. Leo's favorite.

There was a note.

Thank you for choosing our hotel! We appreciate it!

"What did you find blondie? Anything good?" Harry asked from the bedroom. From the looks of it he took his shirt off. He had many tattoos and scars.

"Just some pasta and juice boxes."

"Juice boxes!" Tilly said from inside the bedroom. She ran into the kitchen and stopped beside me, right in front of the refrigerator.

"Daddy! It's apple juice! Your favorite and mine!" What a coincidence, it's mine too.

"I know, but let's take a bath first. You're dirty."

"No, you're dirty."

"Okay we're all dirty. Come on Tilly. The faster you get clean the faster you can get your juice." Tilly quickly made her way to the bathroom but took a second to stop before entering.

"You better not drink any without me Val. Promise?" Harry put his pointer finger and thumb against his temples.

"Come on Til-"

"No, no." She said shushing her father.

"I promise I won't drink anything without you Tilly." Tilly was satisfied with my answer and took Harry's hand into the bathroom.

"Hurry up daddy! I want some apple juice!"

"Would you calm down. You're going to get it soon."

She was adorable. She really did look identical to Harry, but she definitely didn't get her personality from him. He was cold and cruel while she was devoted and fragile.

Maybe I could start on the food while they finished up. I searched for a pot underneath the drawers but eventually found a lot of different types of them at the top. This hotel had everything.

"Tilly get your naughty little bum over here!" From the looks of it, Tilly's bum was exactly in front of my face.

"Tilly! I'm not even done washing your hair!" She began to stick her tongue out and run back and fourth from room to room. Harry then began to catch up to her in which her first reaction was to come towards me.

"Come get me!" It was like she was playing peekaboo with a baby who continued to laugh which made her want to do it more.

"Tilly Anne Styl-" a knock.

Harry immediately stopped talking and placed his finger on his lips, motioning us to be quite. He grabbed his gun from the chair and placed it behind the pocket of his jeans as he was still shirtless.

His back. JAC98 and a torch...the symbol for Jackson Colver.

"Not even 30 minutes in and you already got a noise complaint." It was the lady at the front desk.


"It's alright. Just try to calm it down please." She was genuinely a nice women. She was just doing her job that made her annoying.

"We will ma'am, thank you."

"Ye-" Harry shut the door on her.

That was rude.

"I'm starting to rethink my choices with you Miss Tilly." This time Tilly made her way into the bathroom and finished her shower.

Harry and I also showered. We ate as if we were a family and did activities as if we were one. We watched Tv, played games and talked. We were all comfortable with each other. And yes, Tilly did get her apple juice. Maybe tomorrow I'll asked him more about Jackson and hopefully he'll give in...

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