First Impressions Are Lasting Impressions

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WARNING: It follows the events of the manga (post-z=141), if you only watched the anime I do not recommend reading it 😅 unless possible spoilers don't bother you.

This is set at the beginning of New America City Arc, after they revive Tsukasa and before they leave to America.
Truth to be told, I had way too much fun with this 😆 I hope you do as well.
Also, English isn't my first language so I apologize in advance for any mistakes.


"A stunning first impression was not the same thing as love at first sight. But surely it was an invitation to consider the matter."

Lois McMaster Bujold

They were supposed to get provisions, make the necessary repairs for the ship and sail as soon as possible to America. And yet... it was Senku's luck, as Gen would call it, that something had to go wrong.

In this case, Magma, Mozu and Yo got into a fight and Gen had to intervene before Suika and Mirai, who decided that playing in the ship building grounds was a good idea, got hurt. And now they had the Mentalist lying unconscious with a mild head injury or at least, that was what it seemed. Senku wouldn't be completely sure until he woke up.

"I'll watch over him," Tsukasa offered and Senku had no option but to accept.

He knew that he had no time to lose, that they needed him to direct the preparations for the next trip, but he still couldn't shake the uneasiness of leaving Gen behind in that state. It was probably because he had not yet revived anyone with medical knowledge who could take care of the situation in his place. Yes, that must be it.

"Senku, shouldn't we postpone the trip until Gen gets better?" asked Taiju, voicing what all his friends were probably thinking.

"Heh, the Mentalist will be fine, he's just being his dramatic self," was his answer. "Ah, Kaseki, I need you to build the following items!" he said, all but running towards the old artisan.

"He's really worried, isn't he?" Yuzuriha commented as they watched him go.

"Yes, he knows what will happen if Gen doesn't get better soon," Ukyo observed.

"We could always wait and go to America next harvest season," reminded Ryusui.

"Yes, but there is no time to waste, and the logical option is to leave as soon as possible," Ukyo sighed.

All their faces gloomed. Maybe they could take Gen with them? But wouldn't that be dangerous considering they didn't know how grave his state was?

"You all heard Senku, Gen is going to be okay!" Taiju smiled, and they all have to return the gesture, even if their hearts weren't in it.

* * *

The first thing that Gen saw when he finally managed to open his eyes, despite his terrible headache, was the face of Tsukasa Shishio, also known as The Strongest High School Primate, along with the teary face of a little girl and... a watermelon?

"Gen!" the watermelon exclaimed, throwing their arms around him, or attempting to, before Tsukasa's big hand stopped them.

"Careful, Suika. We don't know in what state he is," Tsukasa warned, before turning his head back to him, leaving Gen completely shocked at the soft gaze he was receiving. "We should probably call Senku and tell him he is awake".

First Impressions Are Lasting ImpressionsWhere stories live. Discover now