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Ginoza Nobuchika made his dark shoes resound through the corridors, attracting some looks and nods along the way. At that moment he saw Inspector Aoyanagi coming out of the elevator, who raised her head a few inches when she recognized him, and walked back in his direction with a slight smile.

"Heading to the chief's office?"

Ginoza arched an eyebrow, "How do you know that I am going there?"

"Anyone looks more serious than usual when she calls for a meeting."

It took Ginoza a few seconds to smile, yet he changed the subject as if that simple gesture left him vulnerable.

"I was told that Touma Kouzaburou managed to escape, but at first I could not believe it."

Aoyanagi slowly nodded as if she had waited for the comment and looked straight ahead again, "I could not believe it either. The chief explained to me that he might have gotten help from someone inside the Ministry of Welfare. We no longer have any leads on him."

"I see. There is no other way he could have done so anyway."

They walked silently for a while, watching other divisions settle into their offices.

"I am sorry about Sasayama," Aoyanagi suddenly said in a soft voice. "How is Kougami-kun?"

Ginoza stopped by the door to the chief's office and Aoyanagi stood in front of him looking into his eyes, only to discover a dark glow that gradually covered them.

"He... is becoming obsessed with the case in the same way that Sasayama did."

"That's understandable. His friend was killed and now the person responsible has escaped," she made a pause and squinted. "You have to protect yourself. Keep your distance. You know that, don't you?"

He nodded his head and then she went on her way to her division office, not before closing her eyes for a few seconds and taking a breath. Then he turned to the door which slid open automatically, and distinguished the enigmatic and professional figure at the end of the large room. Stretched out on the back of the seat with her arms slightly bent, the woman turned a pyraminx. Her eyes were narrowed and fixed on the object, as if her life were at stake if she did not manage to solve it.

"Did you call me, chief?"

Ginoza blinked when he noticed that she cast a fleeting glance at him and then returned to focus on her hobby.

"You may know that the case Touma Kouzaburou was involved in is still being investigated by a special team formed by the Ministry of Welfare," she announced with a relentless voice without expecting any response. "However, the Public Safety Bureau has the authority to keep investigating this matter. I will be putting division one in charge once again."

Ginoza's eyes opened wide and for a moment he was speechless, not knowing exactly what to say.

"I thought it was Inspector Aoyanagi's division that was leading the case."

"Her division has other issues to deal with at this time. And it was yours the one that reported possible accomplices, wasn't it?"

"Yes, it was."

"Therefore, it is your division that has made the most progress in the investigation. Touma Kouzaburou is a dangerous man for society. If finding one of his accomplices can lead us to him, then it is our top priority to further investigate."

Ginoza firmly nodded, but arranged his glasses before continuing, "We shall first question other teachers and students. Our only witness was found with brain damage and is unable to communicate. But it will be difficult without Sasayama Mitsuru—"

"You have Kougami Shinya," the chief blurted out, stopping to look him straight in the eye. "He is an enforcer now and it is his duty to put his own life in danger. Moreover, he seems to have inherited the scent of his last hound. You are to take him with you... as long as you place him under strict supervision."

"I beg your pardon?"

"I want you to bring the accomplices alive in order to interrogate them. Did I make myself clear?"

"As you wish," Inspector Ginoza bowed briefly and turned to leave the office.

A few seconds passed until the chief leaned forward with refined manners, resting her arms on the desk, "And Ginoza-kun... please remember your position in the field. It would be unfortunate if you ended up in a state similar to that of your partner."

"I understand, chief."

When he crossed the door and it closed behind him, the room became completely silent as the chief turned the pyraminx once last time, and left it on the desk with a smirk as she observed its bright colors. Suddenly she stated, "This is our last chance to find Shougo-kun before he goes into hiding again. I must admit he played it well."

Psycho Pass: Apology Of An EndgameWhere stories live. Discover now