The Wolf Brothers

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Yes, I'm adding wolf characters that I don't own(which I do have my own I should use). If you ever played or watched Life is Strage 2, you'll know who Sean and Daniel are. For people unaware, they're brothers and they like to think of themselves as wolves. Sean is the older brother, Daniel is the younger one and has Telekinesis. Anyway, I'll start now.

Wyatt had been outside for almost three hours, and he thought about how none of the other pack members have even bothered to go out and check on him. He tries to keep it hidden, but Wyatt was actually the most sensitive in his former pack and still is very sensitive. The young wolf phased back into a wolf and decided he'd sleep outside for the night. Once he was further away from the den, he layed down and got comfortable. But after a few moments his ear twitched as he heard some rustling only a yard and a half away from him. He lifted his head as he looked and listened around carefully, letting a low growl rumble in his throat. Suddenly, he heard a wolf whimper that cued Wyatt to get up quick as he snarled, running at whoever was there. This was his pack's territory tonight.

(Also, Sean and Daniel don't do the mind link thing. They can talk normally. I'm gonna have it to where they can hear the others when they talk through link though.)

"Daniel, what's the matter with you now?"

"My paws are starting to hurt, Sean. Can't we take a break?"

The little wolf asked as he sat down, expecting his big brother to say yes. The older wolf sighed in annoyance, but his paws were hurting him too and was in need of a break as well. He looked down at his brother and saw that he was doing his puppy eyes at him. Daniel knew it always made Sean feel guilty for making them travel for hours. Daniel even decided to spice it up and throw in some whimpering to convince Sean more.

"Ugh... Okay, fine."

Sean finally gave in.

"Yay! About time!"

The pup said as he rolled on to his back. The older pup rolled his eyes playfully at his brother.

"Man, I can't wait til all of that cuteness of yours wears off."

"You got a long time to wait, Brother."

"Yeah? I don't think you--"

Sean was cut off by another wolf that attacked out of nowhere. Attacked his little brother. Sean immediately ran over to the attacker and his little brother as he snarled. Daniel didn't have enough time to think about using his power on the stranger wolf before his brother attacked the other wolf. Sean was able to shove the wolf off of Daniel. Once he did, he immediately backed up towards his little brother as he growled and snarled at Wyatt. Wyatt's eyes glowed a stronger gold color than they already were as he continued to snarl and snap at the wolf brothers.


Sean screamed to Wyatt, full of anger.

"This is my pack's territory for the night, so why are you here?!"

Wyatt snapped back.

"My brother and I are headed south, we just needed to take a break cause our paws were basically bleeding from walking for so long. We didn't know this land was occupied."

Wyatt let up on the snarling and growling after hearing the brothers' reason. Besides, it's not like the territory actually belonged to him and his pack. It was just a place to sleep for the night.

"I'm Wyatt, by the way."

"I'm Sean, this is my little brother, Daniel."


Colby began to wake up, rubbing his eyes to see his mate still sleeping peacefully. He smiled at the sight of the blonde, then looked around to everyone else still asleep. All except...

"Where's Wyatt?"

The Alpha thought to himself. He stepped outside to see if their newest pack member was anywhere in sight, but no luck.


He said to himself.

"Guys, wake up!"

Colby demanded. He already knew that they had to go and find Wyatt. He could be in danger, or he could've left for the Moon Stone on his own. Colby noticed that no one was waking up, so he phased into wolf form. The Alpha bared his fangs as he brought his wolf lips up, showing his teeth as his muzzle wrinkled. Once the rest of the pack was awake, they saw Colby had done phased.

"Wyatt is missing. Did anyone see where he went last night or this morning?"

The Alpha asked. The pack exchanged looks, all shaking their heads no.

"No one saw him come to bed last night?"

Colby asked to confirm.

"None of us have seen him, Colby."

Elton blurted. Cody relaxed his face from snarling and strict to worried. He wanted to start pointing fingers at the pack for not watching Wyatt, but he knew this was on him. It was the Alpha's job to make sure all pack members were present. After a minute of silence Colby remembered seeing Wyatt hanging out outside the den the night before. That was the last time he saw him.


"Wow, you two have been through hell."

Wyatt said in response of Sean and Daniel's story of how they got to where they are now.

"Wait, so where did all the explosions come from?"

Wyatt asked, still missing something. 

"Well, uhmm...."

Sean replies and looks at Daniel, wondering if they could trust this werewolf with their secret. They both decided to go ahead and trust the brown wolf and show him what Daniel could do.

"Daniel, show him."

Wyatt watched Daniel focus on a random pinecone that was laying on the ground. Next thing he knew, the pinecone was flying, floating in midair. Daniel had Telekinesis, and it was powerful.

"Holy shit..."

Was all Wyatt could say. Sean gave an intense look at Wyatt and spoke.

"Wyatt, I'm trusting you with this secret. No one can know about Daniel's power, NO ONE. The cops can't find cause if they do, they will split Daniel and I apart. They'll take us to jail and these bastards want my ass."

Once Wyatt processed what Sean had just said, the dark brown wolf phased back into his human form, showing the brothers what he looked like. Once he did, his eyes glowed gold as he opened his jaw wide, letting his human canines become wolf fangs. His eyes quickly lost the glow and turned a natural brown color. Sean and Daniel sat there in awe at how badass he looked. The small pelt of fur that had been sewn on to the shoulders of his vest was what stood out to Sean. Along with his hooded t-shirt, black wolf claws and tattoos that Sean also admired. Sean couldn't seem to take his eyes off of him as he walked up to him and Daniel.

"I swear to you, no talk of your brother's power will leave this triangle."

He swore to the brothers.

Original Howl story belongs to @xXTheWhiteRavenXx

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