Quick Recap

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Note: OMG you guys! The Bennett sisters are back and boy have I got some action for you! In case you've happened upon this story without having read Bennett Bound, please know that almost none of this story will make any sense unless you read the prequel first. If you'd like to read in order, please don't read past this point until after you've read Bennett Bound. I'm about to lay down some serious spoilers. Okay, from this point forward, I'm assuming you've finished the first story. 

Now, to Recap (and some notes):

Diana is in stasis after Stefan attempted to turn her in order to prevent the Harrowing.

Bonnie has taken lead over the team which has grown to include the Mikaelsons, the Salvatores, the Gilberts, Kai Parker, Caroline Forbes, Matt Donovan and Alaric Saltzman (with Jensen Ackles as his faceclaim because ew Matt Davis 🤢). 

Diana's harem (Kai, Damon and Elijah - and Mephistopheles as an outlier) are all impatiently awaiting the end of her transition, unsure what kind of creature she will become, as a siren-witch-vampire tribrid. Mephistopheles is attempting to keep Diana in stasis until her change is complete, believing her new power will overtake her entirely and bring her to his side. Kai, Damon and Elijah have barricaded themselves in Diana's room at the Mikaelson mansion, watching over her while Bonnie and Rebekah search for a spell or ritual to pull her from her magic-induced slumber. For reasons still unknown, Kai is the only one who can touch her without physical harm, just as he was the only one who could enter the compound she was trapped in. 

Bonnie's harem is still building, but Stefan is catching onto Klaus and Kol's obvious attempts at annoying and incessantly flirting with her. Stefan is far from his canon counterpart. Everything that made him weak and (my opinion only) whiney left when his faux-feelings for Elena Gilbert dissolved. Bonnie has become his anchor, taking away his unnaturally extensive bloodlust. What does this mean for Stefan's ripper personality? 👀😏

Elena is quickly getting over her feelings of butthurt and betrayal seeing the Salvatores fawning over the Bennett sisters. After realizing the world doesn't revolve around her, she's making every attempt she can at showing Bonnie that she values their relationship and will do anything to keep it. Say goodbye to canon Elena. Get ready for a doppelgänger even Katherine would respect. 😎

Caroline and Matt are in an odd situationship. After Bonnie and Diana's magic fractured the spell on the town of Mystic Falls, our beloved Care found herself getting down and dirty with vanilla bean Matt. But things are about to get complicated real fast when Tyler Lockwood waltzes onto the scene with his eyes set on her. I'm taking extreme liberties with these two (Tyler and Matt), so get ready to love two of the most annoying characters in the whole series. 😂

Alaric "AJ" Saltzman (played by Jensen Ackles, aka Dean Winchester from Supernatural) is the like the team-Dad. He will be referred to as AJ throughout the story (because I really wanna steer away from the Matt Davis visual. So when you hear AJ think Dean Winchester 😉). AJ glues the team together, acting as a guide and confident during all the crazy transitions our lovelies go through. He's also basically a walking encyclopedia for all things occult and supernatural. If you're a supernatural fan, look out for Castiel in the form of a different magical creature. 😏

Get ready, things are about to get real! Look for Chapter 1 on 12/18/20!!!

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