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The boys sat at the bar and watched as I made us all english egg sandwhiches.

"What do you guys want to do today?" I asked, leaning my elbows on the bar as I wated for the eggs to finish cooking. They just shrugged their shoulders. "I'm sure you're all tired of wearing those clothes. How about we go shopping and get you a fresh set?" Robin looked down at his tight black pants and white turtleneck and nodded his head up and down repeatedly, making me chuckle at his exhaggeration.

When the eggs were done, I placed them on everyone's english muffins and distributed them out.

"Mmmh. This is delicious, Es." Barry moaned. I just made breakfast for the Bee Gees. What the hell is happening to me?

After everyone was done eating, I grabbed their plates and began to clean them.

"Here, let us help you with that." Barry offered, getting up from his seat.

"No it's alright. You guys are the guests."

"We're guests who randomly showed up at your house unmeaningly. At least let us help you clean up our mess." Knowing there was no point in arguing, I obliged and let them help. Barry and Maurice washed all of the dishes while Robin dried them and I put them away in their designated spots.

"Do you guys mind if I take a quick shower and then we can leave?" I asked when we were finished.

"No, of course, go ahead." Barry replied with a smile.


After jumping out of the shower, I changed into a white longsleeve shirt with a beige plaid jumper, topping the look off with my black Doc Martens. For makeup, I just put on some mascara, eyeliner, a bit of blush, and lip gloss. The boys all stared at me when I came down the stairs making me self conscious.

"What? Is there something wrong with my outfit?" I asked as my face flushed.

"No, err... It's just," Maurice mumbled sheepishly.

"You look nice." Barry finished for him, smiling cheekily at his flustered little brother.

"Thanks!" I smiled warmly at them, winking at Maurice. Robin busted out laughing at that. "So, are we ready to rock and roll?" I swung my car keys around my finger.

The boys stared at my car when we made it outside.

"Is this a '67 model?" Maurice asked.

"Yes. I didn't know you were in to cars." He shrugged.

"Okay, someone can sit in the front." I suggested as I got in the driver's seat. Regret immediately struck me as the boys quietly fought over who'd sit in the front. Ironically, Robin won and smiled at me as he sat down. The other two huffed from the back seat. You'd think since they were grown adults that they'd be over their front seat fighting phase, but that was not the case.

The drive was quite short, as I lived right outside of the city limits. Our first stop was going to be the mall.


"Hey Es, what about this?" Robin asked as he came out of the dressing room wearing a pair of gray sweapants and a light blue tee shirt.

"That looks great." I smiled. It was so weird seeing them wearing trendy clothes in 2020 since I was so used to them wearing '60s styled outfits in photographs.

Next to come out was Barry. He was wearing jeans and a black sweatshirt pullover. He smiled as he observed the fit in the mirror.

"This feels weird. I'm not used to wearing this type of clothing."

Esther, Be Tender With My LoveWhere stories live. Discover now