My Favourite Flower

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Hey guys, it's Ann here. As you can see, I've changed my user A LONG TIME ago. It's been like, what... 2 or 3 years now? I'm sorry for not updating for so long now, it's mostly cuz I just didn't want to do anything, and partially cuz I didn't have the time to, thanks to school. So I found my old notebook one day and found the original draft in it. I don't know how this story suddenly just went off track, but it did. Reading my old stories just makes me cringe so hard. Here is the (less cringy but still cringy) original version of the story so I hope y'all will like it. I didn't ship CielxLizzy at first though, so I made it that she was engaged to Alois instead. I know the cringe now. This was planned to be a one-shot, so here ya go!

"Excuse me, sir. Would you like to buy a flower?"

A young girl with dark chocolate locks asked a passerby. If you lived near the streets of London, you would find a little girl selling flowers of all kinds in a ratten basket. Roses, Daffodils, Lilies, Bluebells, Forget Me Nots ... basically, you name it, she has it, as long as it is the right season.

"Sure. I would like a Daffodil , please." The man smiled.

"Alright, that would be a penny."

She reached into the basket to retrieve the requested flower and handed it to the customer, receiving the requested coin politely.

"Thank you! Have a nice day!"

She smiled. The man thanked her as well before returning her the smile. That was the 35th flower sold that day.

"75 more to go and I'm done for the day!"

The girl casually strolled to a nearby bench and sat on it. She looked up at the sky. It seemed like the sun was using all its energy to warm up the earth, it was sweltering hot. She used her palm to fan herself, enjoying the small gentle breeze that her small hand provided.

"I swear, if it isn't going to rain in these few days, all the plants would shrivel up."

"I'm pretty sure that is not how nature works, Young Master."

"Whatever. Go get me some scones from that bakery, I'll be waiting here."

"Understood. However, please prevent from getting into trouble again when by yourself."

"S-Shut it! It's not like it was my choice! If you don't want history to repeat itself then hurry and finish the bloody task I assigned you!"

The shouting has certainly caught the attention of the young lady. She turned her head to the commotion, and saw a handsome man with black hair and tail coat bow with closed eyes to a younger, yet even more dashing blunet boy with a top hat, a black cape and a walking stick with a skull on it. At least to her, he was more dashing than an adult. The older person then walked off quickly to the bakery not far from them. Must be his butler. The boy then sat down on the neighboring bench, looking very annoyed and started fanning himself as well. The girl smiled to herself.

Maybe a flower might cheer him up.

She then stood up with her basket and walked towards him.

"Excuse me, sir, would you like one of my flowers? They're freshly picked. "

The said boy glanced up and saw a little brunette adolescent beaming at him. He then shifted his gaze to her flowers.

Daffodils, Bluebells, Lilies, Roses... Roses!

He quickly looked over the variety of roses and to his delight, he found Sterling Silvers, his favourite.

"How much for one?"

"I won't charge you this time round."

Came the reply, accompanied with a friendly grin.

(Ciel x OC)The girl with my favourite flowersWhere stories live. Discover now