To Save Me From Tears (I'll Give it to Someone Special)

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Skye had just returned home from school, finally ready to start her Christmas break. Freshman year of high school had proved to be a little difficult for the fourteen-year-old, but she still did really good, which she felt really good about since school had never been her thing before. She really did think it had to do with her living situation.

Since birth, Skye had been a foster kid and had been passed around from foster home to foster home. Because of that, it made school work difficult as all the different schools she had attended were at different areas of their lessons as well as different levels.

For the past year and a half, Skye has been living with the Coulson's. Her foster dad, Phil, was a history teacher at the high school she was currently attending. Even though it seemed most students would be embarrassed if their parents worked at their school, Skye found it a relief. She knew that if she needed him, she could always go to him. Her foster mom, Melinda, was an instructor at the martial arts studio nearby. After about six months of living with them, Skye had asked Melinda to teach her to fight and defend herself, to which Melinda happily agreed. Thankfully, Skye had only really needed to use self-defense once or twice since beginning to learn.

Even though everything seemed to be perfect, Skye knew better than to let her guard down.

She had never spent more than two years anywhere. With the two-year mark for living with the Coulson's coming up in a few months, Skye had a deep, down feeling that things were about to change very soon. They always did.

Skye was up in her room, playing on her phone, while Phil and Melinda discussed something downstairs in the kitchen. They were talking in almost a whisper, which scared Skye to death. They only talked in a whisper if they were discussing something Skye shouldn't know.

"Skye, can you come down here please?" Phil called. 

Skye set her phone down as she got off the bed and headed downstairs.

She was met with Phil and Melinda, who both had worried looks. They motioned for Skye to take a seat at the table before joining her.

"We have something really important to tell you," Melinda began. "We-"

"Are sending me back to St. Agnes." Skye had had this conversation too many times than any kid in the system should have ever had. 

"No, no, no!" Melinda assured her. "We promise. Your home is right here."

Skye let out the breath she was holding. It was only a matter of time before it actually happened. However, this time felt like it was going to hurt the most since she had grown to love the Coulsons.

"We, um..."

"He contacted us back," Phil blurted.

Skye's eyes grew wide. Something she has been wanting to do since she was about ten or eleven was to find out anything she could about her birth systems. This caused her to learn how to hack and crack systems at a young age. She obviously got caught by the Coulsons one night because literally nothing gets past Melinda. They weren't mad at her, thankfully, but they told her how dangerous it could be, especially for a girl her age. They told her that she may not like what she might find, and she replied, telling them that it couldn't be worse than what she has imagined. That's when they decided to help her out, and try to find her birth parents safely.

They weren't able to find anything on Skye's mother other than the fact that she was Chinese, making Skye half. Her father, however, they found out was working as a veterinarian a few cities out. With the Coulson's and her case worker's permission, she reached out. It had been a couple of months since then, so Skye just thought he wanted nothing to do with her, which was something she had figured a long time ago. But now that he's contacted back, her heart raced.

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