Chapter 4

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I love this song and many more of her songs also Author note at the bottom:)

Esme's P.O.V.

"Who the hell is she though?" I asked the twins' dads but they had already left. "I'm the pack witch and why do you need to know?'' She says flipping her blonde hair over her shoulder, showing her almost white skin, and the way she looked at me pissed me off. "Because you're in my mates' room'' I pretty much just growled at her but I kept my anger under control." I have every right to be in the-"

I interrupted her before she could say anything that would piss me off more. " no lady you don't....... I would advise you to slowly leave the room so I am not tempted to possibly kill you by "accident". Am I heard? I am? great bye bye now" she teleported out and then I dropped my alpha facade and turned around to my mates that looked very scared.

"Are they ok?"I asked, "I have no idea" Renee answered, "then check on them idiots" panic raised inside as this random voice popped into my head "who are you? Do I have two spirit animals omg that's so cool" I said to myself "that's beside the point our mates' aren't responding right now you need to check on them" that person in my head speaks again shifting my attention away from that conversation and towards my mates'.

I walked up to my mates' grabbed their shoulders pulling them into a hug, their scent calming me. They relaxed into my embrace, I could feel their breath fan my neck. "That was the pack witch tiger she wasn't going to do anything to either of us, I promise." Lily says but that didn't make me feel much better than before.

" Are you sure? She seemed off to me, don't you think?" I ask trying to reassure myself. "She's the pack slut though you can't just leave that out, Lily" Vivi whispers although she seems to suck ass at whispering. I frowned "I heard that" I say rolling my eyes. "Oop-" Lily says turning her gaze to the floor and Vivi looks at the vase on the nightstand with a shy smile.

I couldn't help but smile at their cuteness and let out a small laugh and they looked at me. " your laugh is so cute how come we haven't heard your laugh? Lily asks her green eyes glistening in the moonlight. "I don't like showing my emotions a lot, it makes me uncomfy" I say softly remembering my life before. "It's ok you don't have to tell us if you don't want it's your decision we're not gonna push you ok?" Vivian said, rubbing my back, tingles shoot down my back, as her touch calmed me more.

"Really, you don't care that I'm not telling you guys yet?" I say making sure they aren't mad or something. "No we aren't mad or anything we just don't want to push you to tell us anything, ok?" Lillian says I nod my head. "Yeah thanks," before either of them can say anything there was a knock at the door, and in came that witch I didn't trust coming all the way into the room.

"What do you want now?" I don't know why but she has this aura around her that pisses me off." I'm just here to tell you dinner is ready jeez don't get your boxers in a twist damn" she left before I could rip her head off. "Ok let's go before our dad gets here and drags us downstairs trust me he would do it he's scary for a pregnant man. Vivian says and shudders at the thought I giggle at them for being so cute.

We had to walk through the kitchen to get to the dining room, we walk into the dining room and see 600+ people ranging from 70 to 4 years of age, Vivi and Lily's dads are at the end of the table farthest from the entrance, the twins' continue walking towards them, why are they so far away I thought to myself.

'because they are the former alphas and the front door is near the entrance of the kitchen and our dad is pregnant and our papa would not calm down until we moved them both to the end of the room' the twins said to me at the same time also scaring the absolute shit out of me.

 How conversations in their head




'This is so cool, how long have you guys been able to do this?'-E

'We've been able to do this for a while now'-L

'We can also do it to rouges and other people that aren't in our pack'-V

End of conversation

We broke the connection and sat down, dinner started and everyone was staring at me some were confused, some were fascinated, some were looks that could kill which made me slightly flinch. 'Are you ok? You seem uncomfortable, do you wanna go back to our room?' lily thought to me getting up in the process.'no I'm fine it's just everyone is staring at me sorry if that's a dumb reason to be uncomfortable'. I thought back to her, making her sit back down.'baby it's ok to be uncomfortable I'm gonna say something about it'. Vivian thought to me

she got up making everyone look at her instead of me and for that I was grateful but I didn't want to make a big deal out of it I'm an alpha for goodness sake I'm supposed to not care what people think omg I'm such a baby. Before I was able to think any more Vivian started talking.

"Hi everyone I hope everyone is having a great dinner but I have to point something out; I see you all have noticed me and my sisters mate well you're making her comfortable so I would kindly like to ask if you guys could continue eating instead of staring at our mate your luna if I didn't make myself clear". There was a chorus of yes alpha going around the entire dining room.













Az leave this alone don't touch I mean it (I only fixed a few errors but that's all ily)

As you can tell this chapter is a little different but that's good the reason it's good is bc my bestie helped me with this chapter (and maybe more) so I hope you enjoy the chapter I think I might continue the author notes at the bottom of each chapter from now on




no question this chapter

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