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The above outfit is what you're wearing (Unless you wanna think of ur own.)

This is it, Y/N... Just knock, it's not like they won't be happy to see you, right? I knocked on the large, intimidating wood door, awaiting my answer. It slowly creaked open, and out popped a navy-blue haired boy, his thin figure leaning on the door frame. He rubbed his eyes, indicating the fact that he had just woken up.

"Hello?- Wait, Y/N?!" the boy realised. I nodded and grinned sheepishly. To my surprise, the boy pulled me into a tight embrace, squeezing me until I couldn't breath. When I had had enough, I kneed him in the gut, sending him backwards.

"I thought I told you never to hug me like that, Rin? Or was I imagining telling you over 30 times? Hm?" I lectured. Rin rubbed the back of his neck, chuckling quietly to himself.

"Damn, Y/N, you're definitely another Shura." He stated. I cocked an eyebrow, and folded my arms, waiting for further explanation.

Just then, another, slightly taller, boy walked into the room.

"Rin? Where did you go- Y/N?!" he shouted. I waved boredly,

"Sup, Yukio?" He laughed lightly to himself, as he came in for a hug. Obviously, I hugged him back.

"Hold up, why does he not get kneed in the gut for hugging you?!" Rin whined.

"Because, Rin, Yukio isn't an obnoxious, perverted, deranged, horny-ass teen like you." I retorted. That shut him up, because he knew there was a lot more where that came from. "Anyways," I continued, "I've decided to come study at True Cross with you lot! I think it'd be good, since obviously Rin hasn't been on his best behaviour~"I smirk. His eyes widened in horror.

"No! Shura's already bullying me! I don't need anymore...!" Rin complained. I rolled my eyes, grabbing him by the collar.

"Listen here, Rin, you best get your act together, because I'm going to be with you, every. day. And if I find out you've been being an ass," I threatened, " I will not hesitate to publicly humiliate you until there's nothing but an empty, shaking, pathetic excuse of a man laying on the floor." Yukio patted me on the head, scoffing at Rin.

"Damn, Rin, Y/N's the youngest out of us, yet she still scares you?" he chuckled.I growled, then spun on my heel, punching Yukio across the jaw swiftly. He yelped in pain, as the front door swung open. In came a well-built figure, wearing a rather revealing outfit. Her eyes widened at the ongoing scene.

"Woah," she smirked, "Did you lot just get your asses kicked by this chick?" The woman gestured to me, as Rin got up onto his feet.

"Can it, Shura." he mumbled. I glared at Rin, tightening my fist into a ball,

"Rin, what have I told you about disrespecting your elders?" I growled lowly.

He scoffed "You're one to talk, Y/N. You are the one who just punched me 'n' Yukio, which means, seeing as we're both older than you, you're the one disrespecting your elders."

Taking a deep breath, I stepped toward Rin. I scanned his face, before swiftly taking him into a headlock. He struggled to get out of my grip, but I kept him in place. Squeezing him closer to me, I smacked the back of his head, making him yelp in pain. I finally let him go, letting him drop to the floor,

"You may be older, but I'm stronger. Even with your flames, I can still beat your ass." I snorted.

"Wait, she knows?" Shura questioned. Yukio nodded,

"Yep, after the monastery was notified, she found out, and then anyone else."

Shura looked at her watch, sighed, then hoisted Rin over her shoulder, "Right, Mephisto's outside, I came in to get you lot. School break's been cut short for you, since Y/N's starting at the Cram School, meaning she needs you two to get her settled" she explained.

"Hold up, Mephisto, as in the Demon king of Time?!" I exclaimed, the excitement practically oozing out of my voice. Shura nodded at me; I couldn't contain myself any longer. Running outside, I stopped and admired the long limousine in awe...

Yukio's P.O.V

I put my duffel bag over my shoulder, lugging my suitcases downstairs. As I was about to leave the monastery, I felt someone grip my shoulder. I turned around, only to be met with Shura, carrying a still hurt Rin on her back. She whispered quiet enough so that only he and I could hear her,

"Listen, guys, although it looks like Y/N can handle herself, she can't. Just imagine her and Suguro meeting each other. One of them is gonna get seriously injured. I'm being serious, keep an eye on her, it's for her own good. " Shura then straightened up, dragging Rin's luggage outside and into the limo.


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