💀 C𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 2: P𝔞𝔯𝔡𝔬𝔫? 💀

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Art by Inui on artstation

Suicide warning (nothing actually happens, but I'm putting this here just in case)

You groaned as you woke up, maybe it wasn't such a good idea to sleep against Alabaster all night. The griffin, however, looked completely content while sleeping, while you were suffering from some back pain.

After sufficiently stretching your back muscles and working out the pain, the events from yesterday suddenly struck you. Mainly meeting a reaper, a really hot one too. Oh yeah, you almost died yesterday too, guess the reality still hasn't sunk in yet. Or maybe it wasn't reality at all. With how insane it seemed, you guessed that is was all a dream, which is why you weren't really fazed by this.

You looked over at Alabaster, seeing as she was shuffling about and clacking her beak softly, you assumed she was waking up. You moved over to her side and gently shook her awake. Her ears perked up and she slid open her crimson eyes, which then stared into your soul. You smiled.

"Good morning sleepy head~" Alabaster closed her eyes again and made a few short hooting sounds. You gave her a playful sigh and tried to roll her over, as if that would wake her up. Alabaster ignored you, before she seemingly remembered something. She turned her head towards you, spinning it around like an owl.

"The reaper. Was it a dream, or did it really happen?" The look she gave you made it look like she wished it was a dream. Your smile faltered a little. You placed a hand on her forehead and gave it a few gentle scritches.

"I mean, I thought it was a dream, but since you know about it... I guess it wasn't" You rubbed your arm awkwardly. Alabaster remained silent, but quickly hopped to her feet. She gently nudged your face with her beak.

"Why don't we go have some breakfast. It should take our minds off this, at least for a little while" You nodded silently and hopped on her back. Neither of you talked, so the only sounds that accompanied you on the way to the kitchen was the gentle clicks of Ala's talons and the occasional footsteps of servants hurrying by.

During this time, you thought about the reaper, or Calliope, as she introduced herself on paper. You weren't going to lie, she did scare you a bit, but not as much as you'd expect from seeing death herself. In fact, every time you did think of her, there was something in you that would, for a lack of better words, become flustered. It confused you to no ends, you couldn't have a crush on someone you just met, let alone a reaper who was supposed to take you to the afterlife. You shook off these thoughts and instead tried to think about what you'd have for breakfast.

When you reached the kitchens, Alabaster wouldn't let you off her back, and would nip at your legs whenever you tried to slid off. She looked back at you and let out a few low chirps, like she was trying to remind you of something.

When you didn't catch, Alabaster did her equivalent of a disappointed sigh and eye-roll combination. She motioned you to come closer,

"Don't you remember about being poisoned yesterday? I'm not trusting anyone of these cooks" Alabaster narrowed her eyes suspiciously at the surrounding people. You gently stroked the feathers on her neck to calm her down, which worked to some extent.

"Ah, (Y/N)! It's great to see you kiddo" The loud voice of your father caused both you and Ala turned around. He was still dressed in his pyjamas and had a large smile on his face. Not far behind him, Eeni, Lucci and Enix came prowling in behind him, his large paws stomping on the ground. As he passed you, his Hyena head, Enix, growled at Alabaster, who gave him a sharp nip before pulling far out of his reach, which pissed Enix off. Ala made a 'chirrup' noise, like she was laughing. (Y/FN) didn't notice any of this happening.

💀 𝔇𝔢𝔞𝔱𝔥 ℭ𝔞𝔫 𝔏𝔬𝔳𝔢 💀 (Mori Calliope x !GN!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now