snick peek to my next book

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Ps alex and john are dating
Hamilton's pov.
I woke up to my phone ringing I looked and showed it was john I was wondering why he was calling at 5a.m. so I answered
(Doing the call)
John: hey alex
Alex: yes?
John:can you come over pls
John:i had a nightmare
Alex what was it about
John:you died...
Alex:I'm on my way hun I'll see you in a little
John:ok love you
Alex love you too
(Hangs up and gets in his car)
Thinks:I can't wait to cuddle my little gay turtle boi
(At John's house)
John answers door:come in baby
John:*jumps because its been a day since he saw he's boyfriend*
Alex:seems your happy to see me *pats John's head*
John it's been awhile since i saw you *hugs him*
Alex:it's been a day hun*hugs him back*
John:i know but i missed you
Alex:i missed you let's go cuddle and go to bed hun
John:ok bby
Alex:*walks to John's room with his hun**lays on bed and falls asleep cuddling john*
John thinking:how is he so cute
John's pov.
I fall asleep in Alex's arms
(Time skipppp)
I wake up but alex isn't in bed.
I text alex.
Me:where are you
My cute bby:in the kitchen
I walk to see alex making food
See what happens in the next book

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