His Name Was Jake (2)

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So today was a long day. I didn’t really like my classes except for English. I’ve always made awesome grades when it comes to reading and writing, so I knew very well that I was going to pass that class. But as far as the Algebra and physical science, I knew I was going to have a hard time. I wasn’t into that kind of stuff. I also had to take gym…I hate gym.

I walked to the office and called my mom to see is she was getting me or if I had to ride the stupid bus back home. Guess who was in the office. Jake. I smiled ear to ear as I saw him talking to the secretary.

“I’m sorry to interrupt, but I need to use the phone.” I said timidly. Jake turned around and grinned.

“Why, hello Anna. Did you have a good first day?” Jake asked friendlily.

“Yeah, it was ok.” I shrugged. He took a step back and let me grab the phone.

I dialed my mom’s cell number and it rang twice before she answered.

“Hello?” My mom said on the other line.

“Hey mom. It’s me. Anna. Listen, I wasn’t payin’ attention to see if I was riding the bus or not, so what’s going on?” I asked. 

“Oh honey, I forgot to make arrangements. I didn’t call the bus people and I can’t come get you. I’m in a job interview. I’m sorry honey. Is there anyone there that might give you a ride? Maybe a new friend?” She asked sounding very upset. I glanced at Jake and he smiled when our eyes met.

“Yeah. I’m sure I can find one of my old friends or something. You need to get me a car mom.” I said lamely. 

“No. Not until u get your learners permit. So when you start studying then I’ll take you. Okay? I have to go. I love you sweetheart!” She said before she hung up.  I rolled my eyes and hung up the phone.

“So what’s going on?” Jake asked curiously. I put my things down on the bench beside me and stuck my hands in my pockets. This was either going to blow up in my face or he would be cool with it. Just spit it out!

“You think…you could um….give me a ride?” I asked hoping for a good response. He laughed. Crap.

“Sorry I asked. I’ll find someone else.” I said feeling a little more than embarrassed. I grabbed my things and I felt his hand around my wrist, I flinched away and jerked my hand back in response. He looked shocked at first then confused.

“I didn’t mean to make you mad.” He said.

“You didn’t. I just have issues with people touching me…long story.” I said quietly. He examined me for a minute and gave me a gentle smile.

“I’d love to give you a ride home.” He said politely.   I sighed in relief.

“Thanks you.” I said walking out the door and into the parking lot.

“You are very welcome.” He said charmingly. I took another look at him and noticed he was tall, and had this kind of dark thing going. He looked kind of built, but that could just be his jacket.  His brown hair moved gently in the soft wind. His skin was pale, but he had slight flush in his cheeks.

“Did you hear me?” He asked interrupting my thoughts. I shook my head and smiled halfheartedly. 

“I’m sorry. I wasn’t paying attention.” I said apologetically. He smiled.

His Name Was JakeWhere stories live. Discover now