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Ash never expected someone to be so awestruck by something as trivial as a cup of cappuccino. She wouldn't admit but surprise and excitement was clearly visible in her eyes. Her name really suited her - she was so transparent and tranquil that anyone could see through her thoughts. And even if her demeanor became rigid, her eyes would still give everything away. Ash couldn't really decide whether it was good or bad. 

Serena would have seen him observing her in curiosity but she was too busy thinking about the kinds of beverages Starbucks made. She had heard that it was quite expensive but it must be worth it for people to come back again and again. She had never got the opportunity to drink something from Starbucks and today she was going to make sure that she gets her very own cup of coffee. 

"Yo dude!" Gary yelled as he waved his hand towards a certain green haired man, completely ignorant to the startled looks he got from the passersbys. Ash was so glad that they had been covered themselves with their usual hats and spectacles so that nobody could recognize this moron. Grandpa Oak wouldn't have been too happy if news of his grandson behaving like a three year old got showed up on the television either.

Even though Drew wore a hoodie and black glasses that made him nearly unrecognizable, Ash would have identified him from a mile distance. He glared at Gary but his glare flattered when those hidden emerald orbs fell on the honey blonde who didn't bother to disguise herself since nobody knows her anyways. However, Drew would say that her too much formal look did made her stand out amongst their casual attire. 

Ash frowned as he silently gestured for Drew to not let Gary know anything. The green haired man nodded. Serena stood awkwardly as the Ash and Gary greeted Drew. She felt a bit self-conscious, standing between three men with nothing to add in the conversation. She wanted to say something and not stand there, looking at them weirdly but what could she possible say? They talked about business, a subject that she was quite new to. 

As she was wondering about what to do next, Drew noticed her and secretly slipped from the conversation. He slowly approached her with caution. He had seen her erupt at the café beforehand and one wrong word with this short-tempeted honey blonde would complicate the already complicated situation further.

"Hello, Serena" he steadily spoke as the young woman snapped out of her thoughts. She internally rose a brow. His green locks seemed awfully familiar. Suddenly, it stuck her. He was the third man who visited the café that day. But what was his name? 

"Hello -" she paused for a moment, unable to recall his name. Drew took notice of this and extended his hand for a handshake. 

"Drew Hayden. Nice to meet you" he introduced himself. Serena blushed a bit from embrassment before shaking his hand clumsily. She mentally face-palmed at her awkward and robotic movements. Why the hell did she have to be so much of a klutz when she had to leave a good impression? 

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