Cast and Party

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A/n So guys thanks for reading my story I'm still an amateur please excuse my mistakes I've don't have proof reader anyways enjoy this story is gonna take some time cause I don't want to rush in things. Happy reading :)

I don't own anyone or anything but my imagination. This is solely a work of fiction.


Naya Marie Rivera was strong Strong enough not to let anybody get the worst of her. She went to the meeting and faced her nightmare. Sure, Noah had tried hard to apologize but it wasn't enough for Naya to forget about the pain, so he just stopped trying. He knew what he did was not acceptable after all he slept with his friend's girlfriend.

As Noah entered the meeting room he noticed Naya staring at him so he threw her a quick smile and he was surprised because Naya smiled back. The meeting went well, the cast was introduced with important people like producers, screen writers etc.

This was it, she was so happy to see her old friends she was happy to be the part of Glee.


Naya was waiting at the airport for Dianna to arrive. She tried to stay low profile so she wouldn't attract the paparazzi she wore a big sunglasses and hid her face but she was NAYA FREAKING RIVERA. Paparazzi recognized her anyway. So her body guard Kenny had to do the work of getting her out of their view.

"You're here" Dianna excitedly grabbed Naya. Naya was waiting for Dianna at the waiting room. Naya happily hugged back "Yes babe, I missed you". "I missed you too Nay Nay" Dianna replied kissing Naya on the cheeks. "I've got lots to tell you" Naya replied still hugging the actress. Dianna smiled "What say we go to my place and we have a sleep over, I've got lots to tell you too"

They went to Dianna's place and talked all night. Dianna was glad to see Naya happy again after such a long time Naya had a genuine smile on her face. They fell asleep on the couch while watching A walk to remember.


Next day

Heather's apartment

"Thank you Taylor" Heather smiled at the computer in front of her. Even after breaking up the engagement with her former lover they were good friends they realized that they wanted different things in life and parted their ways with no hard feelings. They used to Skype once in a while and this was the conversation where she told Taylor about her big break in Glee. "Well I guess you're better off without me" Taylor joked making Heather chuckle a lil bit. The conversation lasted almost 20 mins before Heather was cut short by Kevin's call.

"Sorry Taylor gotta go, work calls" Heather smiled at the person whom she was talking to on the computer. "Okay Hay Take care work hard".

Glee set

Kevin called up a short meeting with cast, music producers, choreographers so that the cast could have a little idea about music and dance routines.

Naya sat on the chair near to Dianna and Jenna avoiding looking at Noah. "Sup baby girl?" Dianna side hugged Naya who looked tired "I'm tired haven't slept for days, having a record deal and making music is hard" Naya half smiled while sipping her coffee. "Stop bragging about your record deal Naya you are not the only one who has to work hard" Lea entered the meeting room doing her infamous eye roll. "Hey" Everybody present on the room greeted Lea in unison. "Shut up Lea" Naya said jokingly. Kevin entered the room with a huge files in his hands "Well well well the whole cast is together again. Somebody save me from these monsters" Kevin laughed at his own comment. "Nice to see you too" Jenna replied with sarcasm. Naya took the file Kevin was giving to the cast "Well we are not the one who wanted to make a movie".

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2015 ⏰

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