Fate and its ways

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17th June 2010

"But.. But I love you" Naya said in her husky voice, the room was filled with silence once again. Why did fate put her up in this position? What did she did to deserve this? "I'm sorry Nay" was all Rebecca could say. "Please say you love me back" Naya screamed at top of her lungs filling up the silence in the room with her tears. "Why did you cheated on me?" Naya cried hugging herself. "It just happened I didn't meant to..." Rebecca was cut short as Naya started to pick up her bag and pack up her things. "Naya please don't do this it was just a mistake". "Mistake Rebecca? Mistake? You were fucking with Noah in this fucking room fucking minutes ago" Naya shouted. "I fucking cancelled my photo-shoot to fly over half country so I could surprise my girlfriend and I walk on her having sex with my co-worker in our apartment in our bed!". This was the reason Naya couldn't trust anyone, cause anyone she trust ends up hurting her, hurting her bad. "Good bye Rebecca" Naya said softly before tossing the apartment key on the bed.


23 Aug 2011

Its been 1 year since the incident but everything was still the same the pain the hurt. Every night from the incident Naya would cry herself to sleep or drink up herself to sleep. Life was a mess, she had gotten into bad publicity due to her reputation cause of drinking. Lots of incident happened since, The DUI's , The numerous fights with paparazzi outside the bars. Today was different though, Naya wasn't drinking, she was laying on the couch on her PJ's watching "Downtown Abbeys" Marathon she kinda missed her old life, life before the fame life before Rebecca. Those days used to be painless and filled with happiness. Lucy Naya's dog just snuggled next to Naya making her smile. And then they dozed off to the sound of T.V peace fully.


Naya fell on the floor as she was startled by the loud noise on her door. She wondered who it was because clearly she had told Peter [her security guard ] to not let anyone disturb her. She peeked through the window and saw Dianna's car on front of her doorway parked next to her car. "Open up the damn door Naya" Dianna shouted making Naya come back to her senses, well Naya wasn't a morning person she wouldn't have opened up the door but it was Dianna her best friend she loved her. "What's up babe?" Naya said as she opened up the door for the girl to come in. "Nay where the fuck have you been? Dammit I was so fucking worried and why are you not picking up the phone?! I've left you like 100 messages!" Dianna shouted again "Awwwww you missed me that much?" Naya Joked to lighten up Dianna's mood as she sat on the couch facing Dianna who now was standing in front of Naya's large Tv. "Don't joke Rivera! Do you have any idea how Paparazzi is going ballistic over your sudden disappearance? I mean you disappeared right after that bar incident last week". "mmhmm" Naya replied not paying much attention to what was being said. "I love you Naya, you need to stop doing stuffs like this okay?" Dianna said walking up to the couch and scooting next to Naya. "I didn't wanted to know people where I was" Naya replied lazily putting her head against Dianna's shoulder. "I understand but at least you could tell me where you are I'm you're best friend Nay" Dianna said letting Naya rest her head against her shoulder and intertwining their fingers. "Okay babe I will and I love you too" Naya said jokingly kissing Dianna's tensed up forehead.

Dianna spend whole day with Naya that day, they ordered Chinese and watched some old movies and Naya had to comfort Dianna everytime there was something sad in the movie cause Dianna would end up crying. Overall it was a good day she at least forgot about the pain for oneday.


It was Mid of September Naya was still in her huge mansion sitting alone. Yeah she would invite Dianna over but Dianna had gone to Vegas to shoot a movie. Well at least she wasn't drinking herself to sleep every night she would drink just now and then when she went out with Jenna, Harry and her other friends. She hasn't talked with Noah since that day Noah tried to apologize but she couldn't forgive him. The pain was too much. And the twist in the story was Glee had to come in end and they wanted to do a movie as glee Finale. So she had to see Noah. Which only meant one thing which meant she had to remember the pain again.


Naya was fiddling with her pen. She was sitting at a meeting room next to Kevin's huge office waiting for people to arrive. She was so excited about the movie, she loved Glee, Glee gave her a big break but good things had to end she was thankful that she was a part of it even though she had her own movies going on she gave Glee her first preference when Kevin talked to her about a movie Finale.

"Hey!" Kevin exclaimed making Naya drop the pen. "Ugh Kevin you need to stop doing that, you scared the shit outta me" . Naya said in her firm annoyed voice. "Sorry bee, The cast, producers and other people are going to come over here soon, so till then why dont you go get some food for that skinny tummy?". Naya Kevin said poking Naya's stomach.

"Okay" Naya mumbled getting out of the office. Kevin always made her smile he was like his big brother. Despite the fact he was her boss Kevin loved Naya too.

Naya got onto the waiting room and called Jennet her assistant and ordered some food.

Naya was sitting on the waiting lounge as she noticed an tall blonde enter the room. "Excuse me who are you?" Naya remarked playing with her phone not looking at the girl behind her. "oh uhm I was uh I'm Heather I was uhh" was all blonde could say. What? She was in front of Naya fucking Rivera. "Get out" Naya said turning to the girl, the girl was actually beautiful her long blonde hair, her magical eyes her toned butt. What? Don't blame Naya the girl was actually hot. Naya noticed girl turning red and she came to her senses when she realized she was checking the blonde. "Umm sorry" the girl said and quickly made way back to the door.

Naya realized she was flushed herself and felt a little embarrassed.


"That girl is outrageous" Heather Exclaimed feeling the heat in her cheek with anger. "What does she thinks of herself?! Just because she is some famous celebrity doesn't give her right to talk to people that way!" she was on the phone with her best friend and roommate Ashley "You'll be okay Hun, just ignore her" Ashley remarked Heather "How am I gonna ignore her If I have to work with her for like 5 months?, this is really my big break Ash I dont know if I can handle her." Heather murmured sadly "Come on Hay you'll be okay does she know you are working with her? I mean does she know you are Jimmie's co choreographer for this flim?" Ashley asked Heather

"No how can I introduce myself if she tell me to leave out of the room, I couldn't even speak in front of her what's wrong with me?"

"You'll be okay babe" Ashley assured Heather, "Ya maybe you're right I'll be okay, Il talk to you later"

This was Heathers big break she was so excited when Jimmie called her and asked her if she wanted to co choreograph with him. She wouldn't mess this opportunity up because some spoilt superstar has an attitude problem. All she had to do was ignore Naya Marie Rivera and she could make it through. After all the struggle she deserved this she deserved her big break.

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