Its him...

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As you was walking to the bathroom you accidentally bump into someone..
You look up and see josh
You: oooo it's joshyyyy
Your drunk btw and josh is a tiny bit drunk but not as much as you
Josh: heyyy y/n
You drag him over to the dance floor and use start dancing together
You see Addison dancing with this other boy you've seen him hang around with josh so you presume it's his friend. You and josh are dancing and he has one hand round your waist and another holding his drink. He pulls you closer to him when you look up and see him staring at you. He pulls you even more closer to him where their is no gap between use. You pull him down and your lips connect to each other it starts of as a slow pace then picks up the pace and use start to kiss passionately. Josh puts his drink down on this random table and grabs your hips. Use finally pull away.
You: wow
Josh: that was-
You and josh: breathtaking
Use both laugh at the same time
You and josh hang out for the rest of the night
Addison: y/n we need to come home
You: nooooooo I wanna stay with joshy
You hug josh
Addison: y/n your drunk come on
Bryce: Addison you and your friend can stay at ours tonight
You: oooo yeah I dips josh
Josh: you dips me now
You: mhm
Josh: your very cute you know
You blush and he kisses you
Addison: omg love birds stop
You and josh pull away
Josh: go kiss Bryce Addison
Addison starts to blush
You: we saw that
Josh high fives you
You get in a cab and josh puts his hand on your thigh you look up at him
He starts to put his hand higher on your thigh
You look at him and he starts smirking
He whispers to you: am I turning you on?
You start trying not to loose your control but you slowly nod
He keeps his hand their
Once you arrive at the sway house you say goodnight to Addison and Bryce and they go off upstairs into Bryce room josh looks at you and takes your hand upstairs.
He locks the door and pins you against the wall he starts kissing you passionately and gives you hickeys you have hickeys all over your neck and so does josh. Use don't end up doing it as your both really drunk and just cuddle up next to each other in bed. You and josh are full with hickeys everywhere.

Thank you for 10 reads  I know that isn't a big thing but I didn't thing people would actually read my stories.
I will go into detail next episode when you end up doing the deed hehhehe.
If you have any ideas please comment I will read them!

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