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You wake up the next morning with a massive headache. You feel arms wrap around your waist you turn around and see josh there. You start smiling when his eyes flicker open.
Josh: morning beautiful!
You start blushing
God his morning voice is so hot!
You: morning cutie!
You see that he is also blushing
He starts doing puppy eyes
You: what josh?
Josh: kiss?
You laugh and lean in and kiss him, he pulls you on top of him you have your hands round your neck whilst playing with his hair whilst he has his hands on your arse gently squeezing it when someone walks in.
Addison: woah what's going on here?
You and josh quickly pull away and you bury your head into his neck from embarrassment.
Addison: I'm just going to pretend my boyfriends best friend wasn't just making out with my best friend squeezing her arse.
Josh: oopsies
You: did you need anything?
Your still as red as a tomato.
Josh just starts laughing because your so embarrassed.
Addison: yep girly shopping!
You: oooo yes!
You jump up and start getting ready.
Addison: woahhh...
You: what?
Addison: yours and josh's necks woah looks like you had a lot of action last night.
You look at josh and he smirks
You: really you had to give me a bunch of kisses!
Josh: you weren't complaining last night and you gave me a bunch .
You: shut up you!
You start getting ready you wear a crop top and some jeans and some light makeup whilst also covering your hickeys with concealer.
You head downstairs and leave to go shopping and head back to your hotel.
Addison: so tell me the gossip?
You:what gossip?
You act all confused on purpose.
Addison: don't be stupid!
You: well josh is hot like oh my fucking god I'm a simp for him
Addison starts laughing
You: we've kissed and made out an awful lot but I only met him two days ago and we leave tomorrow!
You start getting a bit sad the thought of you might not seeing josh again!
Addison: don't think that theirs clearly something between use!
You slightly smile.
Your talking with Addison when you get tagged in an Instagram post.

(This is the only way it would allowed me to insert it sorry)

Liked by brycehall, addisonre, y/nkeaton and 560,757 others                                          @joshrichards: my new friend☺️☺️                                            Tagged: @y/nkeaton

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Liked by brycehall, addisonre, y/nkeaton and 560,757 others
                                         @joshrichards: my new friend☺️☺️
                                           Tagged: @y/nkeaton

   @y/nkeaton: joshyyyy☺️
^ @joshrichards: not the nicknames

@brycehall: cuties

@nessabarrett: um-

@user188: does she not know that josh has a girlfriend.
^@y/nkeaton: WHAT?
^@joshrichards: y/n I can explain!!


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