ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟛

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A week has passed. Y'all have submitted the project and scored well. Y'all sit at lunch together, tho Mark doesn't like to. But Lucas drags him to sit together.

Y'all have become good friends. They respect when you talk about EXO. They even enjoy the songs

Jaemin still was taking classes from you on 'how to become an EXO-L'.

In return, he helped you with your studies since you weren't doing well. On any mistakes you made, he would flick your forehead

He has stopped stuttering and started flirting with you, which went unnoticed by you

"flirting is hard~"

Jaemin whines

"you flirt with everyone bruh."

"everyone notices, but Y/N..."

"be bolder"

"easy for you to say"

They were walking their way to school

"hey guys~"

You said coming from behind jumping, putting your arm over their shoulders

You said coming from behind jumping, putting your arm over their shoulders

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Jaemin's heart fluttered but he brushed it off

"hi Y/N"


The two greeted and you three walked to the class while having little conversations. Once you three entered the class, were greeted by Lucas.


While mark and Xiaojun turned there heads and give you three a wave 👋


It has been more than 10 minutes but the professor still didn't come

"Jaemin, please help me with this"

You were too bad at chemistry. You often find yourself asking help from Jaemin and Jeno, but mostly Jaemin.

Tho these two don't pay attention in the class or sometimes even bunk. They get good grades.

Jaemin walked towards you and stood in front of your seat. He took a look at the book you were solving the problems on.

"what are you doing?"

He said and flicked your forehead.

"ouch! I'm trying my best. And stop hitting."

He then helped you with the problems.


Says Jaemin, who can't even focus a problem without glancing towards you

"Jaemin, please help me"

Lucas says with a 🥺 face. Which you found cute and Jaemin found annoying.

"can't you see I'm helping Y/N-"

"we both are stuck on the same problem. Jaemin can help with it, right?"

You said looking at him. He couldn't say no, so he sighs and agrees

Jaemin wanted to be alone with you. Asking about EXO would do. But there was Lucas. He knew that Lucas would also join the "EXO talk". So Jaemin waited for the time where you two will be alone.


You and Jaemin were sitting outside, at the school grounds. Talking about...EXO

" -and because of that, his nickname is '3 minutes and 1 second'"

Jaemin didn't pay any attention to it. Not a single bit, he was just looking at you, adoring you. How you enthusiastically talked about things you love amazed him. He adored you so much.


Lucas suddenly appeared out of nowhere, making Jaemin surprised and fall. Even you flinched a bit almost falling from the chair

"jeez, don't just scream like that"

"are you alright Jaemin?"

"yeah I'm fine"

"cmon Y/N"

Lucas said grabbing your and pulling you but before that-

"hey hey hey where are you taking her?"

Jaemin said grabbing your other hand

"the professor called"

They both left your hand

"alright, I'll go now. Bye"

You waved before leaving with Lucas

Jeno came and sat on the bench with Jaemin

"that giant boy-"

"chill, they're just friends-"

"Dude, you gotta help me out on this one"

"Dude, you gotta help me out on this one"

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(A/N- how can you not fall for them?)

Na Jaemin FF || In love with an EXO-LWhere stories live. Discover now