I Run Away From Home

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One foot in front of the other, that is all I could think of, with the feeling of exhaustion ever present with me, just to keep walking. I don't know where I'm going I'm just walking in a direction that seems to pull to me.

You might be wondering who I am or maybe what I'm doing walking around without knowing where I'm going. Well let me fill you in on life, my name is Perseus (or Percy) Jackson although I don't like to use my last name but you will learn more about that later. I am four years old, and I know what your thinking how can a four year old be this mature or even why is a four year old wondering the streets all alone. Well I was forced to grow up a lot faster then what you might consider normal, this is because my father left my mother when she was pregnant with me. After he left she grew bitter and resentful towards him and by extension me because apparently I look just like him. My mother refused to look after me and would always say 'Your father looked after me why can't you look after yourself' so I had to learn to. I could cook, clean and speak by the age of three because my mother refused to do it for me. Life wasn't to bad till about six months ago when my mum married this awful man Gabe, who I often called Smelly Gabe because he smelt worse than the sewers which for New York is saying something. He soon grew abusive but my mother didn't do anything to stop him she even joined in sometimes. So now my body is covered in scars and burns most of which aren't healed and are still bleeding. He would abuse me for anything if I didn't wash up or give him money for his poker game, like seriously where is a four year old meant to get money from. He even hit for fun sometimes, after six months of this i had enough so I left with nothing but the clothes on my back.

So now that you know my past lets talk about right now shall we. It's my third day of wondering through the streets of New York I haven't had anything to eat since I left and I have maybe five hours of sleep  in the past three days because every time I try to sleep I'm woken up by some huge black terrifying dog chasing me. So here I am stumbling through the streets of New York not knowing where I'm going or if ill be alive long enough to find out. Just as that thought crossed my mind I noticed a change in the land I was walking on, I look down and realize the concrete had turned to sand and I was on a beach.

There was a sudden deep growling behind me, I didn't need to turn to know what was there as I've heard that growl many times over the past few days, I instantly start to sprint toward the sea hoping this dog couldn't swim. I know it was a stupid plan but it was all I had so yeah. I was running my hardest trying to get away from the dog, I suddenly fell pain explode in my back as I'm flung toward the sea I lay there slowly bleeding out and thinking how much my life has sucked. Just before I lose consciousness I feel the tide slowly caress my fingers, then the world goes black.

Poseidon POV

This meeting is boring. Was the only thought going through my head at the moment, what meeting you might ask well currently I'm in a meeting with my wife Amphitrite, my son Triton and two of my generals. Those two generals are currently arguing over who's squad gets to be my royal guards for the upcoming festival in my honor. I have tuned them out at this point and I'm just sitting here bored out of my mind, that is I was till I felt a strange presence in the water just at the edge of New York. I gasp when I realize this presence is a child a small extremely injured child, he is also a child of the sea I know not of which deity though as he was only very briefly touched by the water so I could not get a good sense of him. I realized now that all conversation has stopped, probably interrupted by my sudden gasp.

"Sweetie, why did you  gasp?" asked my wife in a confused voice.

"I just felt a strange presence in the waters surrounding New York and I gasped when I realized this presence was a child which is very badly injured. This child is also of the the sea but I could not tell who he was the child of as the water only briefly touched him." I replied with a frown and worry lacing my voice. 

"Well if he is of the sea it is our duty to help him, for the sea always protects its own." Triton replied ever the diplomat that's what I think anyway. All the reply I gave was a quick nod before I flashed out to where I felt the presence come from. After a couple seconds of looking I found a small boy no older than five led face down in the sand at the edge of the surf. I rush over only to see four large claw marks on his back going from his right shoulder to his left side, I turn him over to see a face so similar to mine it might have been me in a younger form. That is when it clicks in my mind whose child this is, he is my son Perseus but why is he out here all by himself laying half dead in the sand, why isn't his mother with him  last I checked they were both doing fine. Admittedly that was just after he was born which was almost six years ago. But what should I do now I don't know where his mother lives and even if I did he is still bleeding out and will most likely die if he doesn't get help soon he will most likely die. If I take him to Atlantis Amphitrite will find out I cheated on her but if I don't then Percy dies, what am I even thinking of course I'm going to take him. I gather him up in my arms only to notice how many bruises and scars and burns he has this can't all be from the same monster can it. No that would be impossible some of these look a few months old so where did he get them. I push those thoughts out of my head for now, my main priority is getting Perseus the help he needs.

With that thought I flash away to the infirmary in my palace with my son still in my arms.

Line Break

After I dropped Perseus off at the infirmary I swam back to the throne room where I knew Amphitrite and Triton were waiting for me I'm not sure how to break the news to them. Without realizing it I arrived at the throne room.

"Did you find the child my love?" My wife asked.

"Yes I did, he is being treated by the healers as we speak. From what I can tell he is about four years old and was attacked by a Hellhound if the wounds on his back mean anything." I replied.

"To be attracting monsters at the age of four he must have a very strong scent, did you find out who he was the child of?" My son asked with suspicion laced in his tone. This started making me worried as it looks like Triton has figured it out.

"Yes I did, it turns out it is my son Perseus who was the young boy." I answered warily.

"YOU CHEATED ON ME EVEN AFTER YOU TOOK THAT OATH YOU PIG!" My wife screamed at the top of her lungs. Triton gave my a furious glare and left without another word whilst my wife was still seething on her throne.

"I know you are angry with me but there is more I need to say so please listen." All I got in reply was a curt nod so I carried on. "When he was born it was after we had a massive fight four years ago when you went to live with your parents, I just want you to know I wasn't in my right mind when it happened. Also when I picked the up I noticed that he was covered many cuts, bruises, scars and burns many looked a few months old so they can't be from the monster attack." I risked a look at her to see that she was still angry but also had a thoughtful look on her face.

"I am still not happy with you Poseidon but I will refrain judgement of the boy till I talk to him to know what has happened, after all it was not his fault he was born." With that she got up off her throne and swam out. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, at least she is angry at me and not him.

A/N So what do you think of my new story I have loads of great plans for it I hope you liked it. I know this chapter was slow but it was to set the scene. Some of you might think Percy was too mature for his age but he was forced to grow up faster due to his trauma. Let me know what you think.

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