Chapter 2

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Authors note...

Okay so I hope this chapter is a bit longer, I would like to apologise in advance for any errors, because I tend to make a lot ... I hope you can enjoy (it should be quite good!) thanks @LittleMissUnOriginal and @StarDragon1411 for being a part of it x

The Story

"Who are you?" Lina said lifting an eyebrow.
"What do you mean it's us?" We both said looking at each other confused.
"I mean, who are you?!" Lina said impatiently.
"What do you mean? We've been best friends all our lives, until the accident obviously..." I said whilst looking over at Sky giggling.
"Look I have photos" Sky said pointing out a selfie of the three of us on her phone.
"How do you know about the accident?!" Lina said as she felt her heart jump out of her chest.
"We were in the car..." I muttered.
Sky was scrolling through her phone finding hilarious selfies showing each one to Lina, she smiled and I said,
"Ah I remember that day I had mint chic chip ice cream and you had.."
"Chocolate..." Lina said interrupting me (as always).
I couldn't believe it! She remembered! I wonder if she remembers the song we listened to? ( it was teenage dirtbag by the way).

Lina typed her number into Sky's phone and said if she needed anything to call.
We decided to invite her bowling the next day, we all really sucked at it but, you know, for the lols... Even though we will probably keep the rails up ... Seriously that's how bad we are. And I think Lina is still really bad because she used to have to use the kids slide thingy. Back in the day we were the best (we were so totally the odd ones out in everything). We were always last to be picked and we didn't give a damn because we THOUGHT it was funny (which it was(to other people)).
BRINGGGGG BRINGGGGGG!!! The house phone screamed through the apartment as we struggled to get out of bed. I crawled towards the door and lifted myself up with the handle, dragging myself through towards the phone.

"Hello" I mumbled, sinking down into my chair. "SKY ITS FOR YOU!!" I shouted (most probably waking up everyone in the building).
BANG! I heard Sky fall out of bed and sprinting towards the phone...

To be continued...

Sorry this chapter was so short, will upload another one later (hopefully longer) and go check out the seren's (aka Skyler and Selena) because they're writing aswell. LittleMissUnoriginal and Stardragon1411 (hopefully next chapter will include 5sos!!)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2015 ⏰

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